
Ohh yes they are out sunrise and sunset at most of the beaches here

I always wanted to have one of those detectors...
and be able to find all the treasures in the sand :)

I have spoken to a couple of them here, seems the find coins and such and occasionally the odd bit of jewelry

Still pretty cool! :)

ohh yeah if I wasnt into photography I would seriously consider doing it myself

Photography is still better ;)

Ohh yes I do agree but out of curiosity I looked at the cost of a metal detector that's a lot cheaper hobby lol

Really? I thought they wouldn't be cheap...
Wouldn't say no to one, but still prefer the camera ;)

You can get one to start out without spending a boatload. Its fun. I will have to put up some of my best find videos!

Oh cool! I am curious to see what you found :p
The things people lose on the beach...

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