Learning Sports Photography

in #photography6 years ago


I like to photograph a lot of different things, depending on what I am up to, but my subjects are most often quite stable, the inside of my own mind excluded. I am open to different sorts of photography and I want to always learn more and expand my skillset. Photography is a great hobby for me because in theory, I should never get bored of it because there are so many different aspects to it.

I’m most concerned about finding the good light and not so much of even what is in said light. I hate photographing in the mid-day sun and I usually just abandon my camera during the daytime. This weekend I didn’t have the option to shoot only at sunset or sunrise, if I wanted to photograph rally cars.

I have a soft spot for motorsports and I wanted to do justice for the amazing sport by capturing the speed to my camera. This weekend I really concentrated on trying to learn and practice as much sport photography as I could, and get over the distaste of photography in the harsh sunlight.

Sports photography is totally a different species from what I normally do, and I had to try and not get stuck on doing the same thing I would do when doing street photography or portrait work. One might think that capturing fast moving objects would require using a fast shutter speed as the first value you set, and sure you can do so, but that will freeze all the motion. It makes the cars look still and it’s not so great when the actual speed is more than 150km/h.


I got a few really good tips from a sports photographer and he helped me to find a follow focus from my camera. That was the most important tip I think I got. He also explained me the basic concept of a pan shot. There wasn’t many spots where I could utilize it but I think I got at least some sort of hang on it. It’s pretty hard and I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my own photography. It was really tough to try and find the sweet spot where there would be enough motion blur in the background and wheels but have the majority of the car is focus.

My favourite photographs I got from the weekend were the ones where I did use a fast shutter speed, and all the movement was frozen, but the feel of speed came from the dust cloud that followed the cars on dry dirt roads.


In sports photography you of course have to be prepared to miss a lot of shots too, because these things are fast and if you are close like I was for the shot above, it's almost like playing the lottery to try and capture the car in frame.


This last shot is taken during the rally weekend too, but instead the subjects is a dirt bike. We were in a traffic jam with our car and suddenly I saw a bike up in the air between trees, and dad encourages me to jump out and get a few pics. The line wasn’t moving much anyways so I would have time. Out I ran and got a few shots of the guy training motorcross.

I have no idea who he is and I think I might have scared him because he only drove two laps after I appeared with my camera. Sorry, can’t pass a photo opportunity. I did try to look up if I could find him with the number on the bike but no such luck.


I mainly used my Sigma 50-100mm f/1.8 lens for the weekend and even when it doesn’t have image stabilisation, it’s amazing for sports! I have a crop sensor camera so the 100mm end actually gets quite close, and because the quality is awesome, I can easily crop the picture a lot without loosing detail. The focus is insanely fast and even when I wasn’t prepared for the shot, as long as I was fast enough to point the camera towards the speeding car, the camera caught it perfectly. There really wasn’t many times when it would miss, and if it would, it was because I wasn’t fast enough, of that there were trees of people distracting the follow focus.

This post has a collection of different sorts of shots I got during the weekend, and there are more in my posts I already published earlier, and there will be more once I get through all the photographs I took.

How do you think I did on my first real attempt on sports photography?


Awesome to see you venturing outside of your comfort zone! Your photography journey has clearly been going really well in the last few months! Looks like you've got the technical side to a really good place, what I notice from the best sports togs is once they get past the technical it becomes about waiting for the shots to happen, being in the right place and setting up a shot knowing that a car/bike/person/other sports related thing will come into frame and finish the shot off. Well, that and a bit of good old fashioned luck! Awesome work :)

Thank you very much, and nice to see you, it's been a while! Sport photography is definitely a waiting game and one should have the camera ready at all times. We were laughing quite a few times when I did put the camera down, always something a little more interesting happened. I just told people around me that I put it down for them so they could see something fun 😅😂

speedporn added to the list.
I think that this shot is the best. The world seems to be frozen in time and only car defies that power and keeps on moving forward.

HAha, you weirdo, you pick the shot that hardly even has a car in it!

I think you did great... I have tried some myself last year at motorbike races. I played a little with the shutter and indeed a quicker shut freezes all speed out of the picture. in august I am going to Formula one racing for 4 day, so I will try to capture some great shots.. :)

I have never seen F1 in real life, but the sounds in there must be awesome, though I think that whole sport was ruined years ago and I no longer follow it.

You've done pretty well for a first serious attempt at sports photography. That motorbike picture is cool and the last car picture is even cooler. Is that car about to land after flying in the air for a pretty long distance? I wonder what kind of suspension it takes to withstand that kind of assault in a race.

Thank you! If you look closely, in the bottom left corner of the picture where the car is landing on it's nose, you can see a 55meter mark, so yeah, a pretty good jump :D It was a long jump put they are not supposed to land on their nose, the best and fastest drivers don't jump that far and land on pretty much all fours. But we can't help put to like these kind of more exciting jumps. I will probably make a separate post of the jumping pictures I got from a few different stages.

Those jumps are great. Go ahead and make the jump post. :D

Great job on picture number 2, nice work on keeping the car still in frame withe background blur.

Thanks! That one was a little more easier than most I took because there wasn't anything in the way and it was a long straight so I could follow the car for a good while.

Great work capturing the "action". You brought up the point about being prepared to miss a lot of shots and with as fast as motorsports are I bet there are a ton of pics that never make the cut so to speak.

Thank you! There were definitely a lot of pictures of empty road, car half way in or out the photo, people jumping in front of the camera, or just a huge dust cloud :D

These are nice shots. It's actually difficult to get good shots as sadly most subjects are moving really fast.


"I'm just using automatic settings and all the images keep on getting blurry, why? The shutter is really fast, it's less than one second. It's 1/50 but still the images are unclear. Why?"

One must learn the magical and intricate insides of the camera to master the craft!

Oh the magical midgets within my camera!

Hear my call!

Make the magical paintings we call "Photos" faster!


Not only faster but harder and better too!

Harder, faster, SCOOTER!

I think you did an awesome job! High action and high speed photography aren't easy but you did amazing!

I like this set the most!! I saw your one the other day about first getting there, then didn't see any cars! So here they are and it's awesome!! The second photo is my favorite! Captured the motion nicely!

I had many sets, just posted one where the cars are jumping :P I'm glad to hear you like these!

You have captured speed very effectively here.
Something fantastic.
It is not easy to make sports photos.
I tried, but it remains in the picture or one rear wheels,
or only dust from them.
Thanks for your helpful tips, @eveuncovered

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