
One word - stunning!

Great snow shots! Thanks for sharing :)

There is nothing beautiful than nature and your capture is just perfect. Waiting for more to come.

You know, the Final image is DIVINE. It's my Fav, with the Focus on the #tree in the foreground.

And the backdrop being out of focus. Would make a nice oil painting, indeed.


Thank you very much :) I guess I should have put the last one as first because many of you seem to like it :)

Really cool shots. May I ask at what time during the day you took the shots? Today I tried to fly my drone, actually I couldn't because of a missing update, around 2.30 pm here in Germany because the sun was about to go down already. Love the heavy looking snow covered branches:)

Thank you so much! :) I think these were taken around 1pm and the sun was already setting, well, it never even really rises this time of the year. You are so much more south in there that you get an extra hour of sun :D

At least one hour 😂
But on the other side you are rewarded during the summer time!

True true! :)

When I have seen your post 8 minutes old staying at a few cents I got in a big hurry to upvote it before the real guys come to curate it. Some good curation rewards for me, some nice photos to admire too, is it too good to be true?

Haha, I think we need more honesty in here! Take all the curation rewards you can :D

Unfortunately not to many, since I have not so many SP yet, but I can still enjoy your photos. I appreciate very much that you take time to reply the comments. You are awesome!

I do try my best, though I could definitely do better. I appreciate you taking the time to write up a comment :)

You deserve it, at least an upvote and a comment. It is still not much for the art you are offering us. I am waiting for your next post :)

Beautiful and perfect. The last is the most beautiful :)

Ha, I agreed w/ you & had not even read the comment
(See BELOW = Jan )

"Great minds think alike", right ..?

:)) right :))

Looks almost like winter around here. It's raining a bit and it's pretty much only slush and ice everywhere..

Oh the magical winter. Luckily I assume we'll have snow and freezing temperatures from January till May.

Haha, gladly I'm back in the city too, with the slush and slippery wet ice.

Yes exactly, until May...

The first photo is very good)

The first pic and the last pic is awesome <3

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