London - Westminster Abbey

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

We haven't experienced too many of the traditional tourist stops while we've been in London but one thing I didn't want to miss was Westminster Abbey.

Although this city is well known for its damp and cloudy days we've been very lucky and it's only rained on us once. The weather’s been partly sunny, for most of our time here, and the daytime highs have ranged in the upper sixties. The temperatures can drop ten degrees when the sun goes behind the clouds so it's very important to have a sweater or light jacket handy at all times.

Slideshow of Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey was incredible and well worth the price of admission. Although they didn't allow photographs in the main areas of the church there were a few spots they did allow pictures and I tried to make the most of it.

The architecture was incredibly intricate and filled with many layers of history. There's been a tradition of burying royalty in the Abbey for over seven hundred years so at any given time there may be more dead than living people within the walls. I was especially interested in Poets Corner(for obvious reasons), which is the resting place of famous English poets and writers like Geoffrey Chaucer and Charles Dickens.

I hope you're enjoying these posts about London. Stay tuned for more!

Thank you for reading,


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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

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Greetings, @ericvancewalton. Beautiful video of the majestic Abbey. What architectural beauty, a wealth of history and culture. I really liked the colorful and striking stained glass windows. Thank you for allowing us to travel with you. I am still pending.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. The beauty and history of the city are mind blowing!

ha! I went for the Poets' Corner too <3 Mind boggling, to stand there. Westminster's great :) I'd check out Shakespeare's Globe if I were you, as it is pretty might like it (wouldn't bother too much about the plays themselves though, the two I saw there were crap :/

It was very humbling (in more ways than one) to stand there among so many great writers. I really wanted to see the Globe but we didn't have enough time. It'll be a good reason to revisit later. : )

What beautiful images, @erikvancewalton! The presentation and music is ideal and perfect. All Gothic architecture is superb and imposing. I like the framing you do through the windows. I find it strange to see it like this, full of tourists, when normally I have only seen it in acts of British royalty. Anyway, I'm overwhelmed by emotion. Thanks for sharing!

You miss the correct spelling of the name.

Hello Eric .. how are u? Thank you for the video. The pictures of the abbey in the video look very extraordinary. It's an ancient building that is very sturdy. I really like the walls that look very attractive. The statues also look very beautiful. Amazing. I am waiting for your other post about London. Have a nice day, sir.

Thanks, I hope you're having a good week!

You know what came to my mind seeing all this your trip pictures?

A day where and when pictures of London are gathered together to give a virtual tour, you are paid for your pictures and they are accredited to you.

Now imagine, 100 yrs from now and your grandson is looking at your view of London, he will be smiling, chuckle.

What a digital world, what an immortal world.

That day will be here sooner than we think, I bet. Those virtual tours will be a great option for those who can't travel.

Your post is very interesting and informative, the photos are beautiful. Immediately there is a spirit of history, thanks for sharing

Thanks for your comment!

London a place where many people dream to visit

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