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RE: Impressions of My First Winter Fair 2017

thank you :D

please take us there, too
am curious about what it's like out there during this time of the year?

we still have flowers too
its pretty warm these days isn't it
been pretty sunny today I had to wear my eyeglasses on the way to my class :)


The temperature is up to 10 degrees + a day and at night it is often minus degrees now.
Several places in Norway have come snow, but fortunately not here I live in Fredrikstad.
It's nice with snow, but I do not like cold days.

Maybe I'll have time later to take some pictures from here in Frerikstad, Norway
And write a little about the city here.

I'm already looking forward to that ^ ^

it's cold here, too
but not minus degrees yet .. more of 10 to 15 hmmm.. maybe 7 the lowest

stay warm ^ ^

you are lucky to have a little warmer

yes, today is almost the same
except it got dark earlier :D

still a good weather where you are now isn't it?
I was told back then that it's usually a dark sky all day in Scandanavian countries during winter
is that true?

It's a lot of nice weather yet.
But it will not be dark here until the afternoon.
Have actually taken some pictures here today before it's dark.
Most are from the old town here in Frerikstad, Norway.
Possible that they will be posted later if I reach it

okay will be back in the morrow

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