I Found it Jed, it's on my Head! -From 60's and Sun to 20's and Snow, that's the way NY rolls-

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

The title is a shout out to my man @jedau and his newest series The search for Snow- check it out as well as all of the other cool things my brother from another gets up to :)

It's also a commentary on the crazy weather which has become the norm here in upstate NY the past several years. Tuesday and Wednesday I was in short sleeves, getting a start on spring cleaning, today....

You thought winter was over? Hahahaaaa, gotcha!

Howie thought the best way to take the sting out of the situation was to go on an adventure. Actually, let me detail how this went down:

Him: "It's time for an adventure, wake up!"
Me: "Huh? mphmm, shmllahhh, Coffee."
Him: "We'll get it on the road, you have twelve minutes, get dressed!"
Me: "Who? Where? What, what?" Sit up, attempt to open eyes, not happening, press heel of hand against eyes and rub vigorously. Crack open one, then the other.
Him: "Nine minutes!"
Me: "Shit." Lots of blinking, brain restarting, begins to whir, "Clothes."

(How that man bounces out of bed in the morning, wide awake and sun shiney I will never, ever understand)

I actually stood on the porch in shock for a few seconds, I'm not exaggerating the temperature change.

Me: "Uh, adventure in a snow storm? Are we going skiing?"

Alas, no. It turns out a Cornell professor was selling his five hundred dollar vintage Boston Acoutic speakers for 20 bucks (they were also in spring clean mode) and we only had until noon to get to Ithaca.

"Speakers? Really? This is your adventure?"

He gives me a look: "That's just a destination, the journey is the adventure!"


Okay, I have to admit it was a beautiful drive...as long as you are in an SUV with good snow tires, not such a great adventure for the five cars we passed in a ditch. I didn't take pictures of that because...do I need to explain?





The speakers ended up being in mint condition which will make Howie happy for at least a week before a new toy catches his eye, so- success! Also very boring for an adventure so I got next choice of destination and we landed on the commons at Viva Taqueria.





Twenty years ago this was the first place Howie and I ever ate together. The food is still excellent, though the portions have shrank. Ah well, better that than letting the quality suffer.

I absolutely love the Ithaca Commons, which is a little town in itself of mom and pop shops, selling everything from crystals and tarot card readings to sports equipment, and virtually untouched by the corporate world.

However, unless it's chili fest, I'm less in love with slipping and sliding my way down the sidewalks, so for a more in depth view you will have to wait until spring is actually here ;)


But I do have to admit, this white stuff can be really, really pretty.




That was for you @jedau, and for anyone else who is longing to see snow- I am more than happy to share! (No really, you can have it, please, Take IT!)

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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Woohoo!!! That winter road looks so gorgeous!! I tried to shift back to the white stuff, but Viva Taqueria had me! That would definitely be a destination when we come visit. It's a plus that you and Howie have history there! I can't stop laughing at the morning exchange between you and Howie. Shades of Jared indeed!

"They're doing spring cleaning he said," looks outside and sees a scene filled with snow haha! Didn't you hear? Winter is here! The long one that stretches for years, that is. Oh wait... wrong place.

I appreciate the dedication, sis! :D This had even more snow than the clouds from way back when haha!

It definitely was pretty before the snow plows got to it. They make the roads safer, but push dirt along with snow to the side of the road, taking away it's beauty :(

Absolutely, the Ithaca Commons is a must go to place around here, and Viva is always a great lunch choice :) I can't wait for that day, Jed in my house!! lol!

Definitely shades of Jared :)

Am I in Narnia or Winterfell?

As soon as I walked out into that snow I knew I was making you a post, haha!

Ahh yeah, I saw a lot of those. Dirty snow is what they called it in South Korea, is that what it's called there, too? It was more like ice and mud frozen together.

Narnia or Winterfell hmm... I guess it depends on the amount of blood or gratuitous sex scenes. Have you walked through a wardrobe lately?

LOL i'm sorry about jumping into this conversation like this but the blood and sex thing was hilarious.. It's so true, I like GOT but come on!

No need to apologize about jumping in :) I speak for @dreemit when I say we welcome the additional interaction! Sex sells, so I guess that's what they're banking on haha! I think that other shows have used it as a blueprint as well.

Yes that's true, but come on.. The drama, the dragons.. I loved the show until the zombies appeared lol

Haha! Some people have been waiting for the whitewalkers to appear ever since the first season! Hahaha! You know, as I was progressing through it, I was really holding on until the whitewalkers arrived. But, I was surprised that I was captivated by the whole drama.

I know, i know.. They caught u, i all comes down to the fact that i dont want it to end lol i think there's too many things unsolved!

Hehe, that is truly splendid! I mean, obviously it can be a pisser. Especially when you thought it was gone for the year but what awesome snow!

$20, what a bargain. You live in and around a lovely bit dont you? I will have to visit it some day

Oh yes, you truly must, and just think you won't have a single hotel expense for I will put you up at La Casa De dreemit ;) Seriously though, that would be a rawkin visit, wine trailing, brewery hopping, sight seeing, and if you come in the summer, boating, swimming, jet skiis... :)

Ha, that sounds totally amazing. Can I leave the family LOL!!!

When mine were small that would have been my question too, haha!
The wineries and breweries here are family friendly though ;)

They do look it from what I have seen in your posts! It does look lovely. All we need is the crypto markets to explode and boom as they say :O)

Seems to be happening all over... here in the upper left corner we were just celebrating the first dandelion blooming in the lawn (well, maybe not "celebrating"), and then the white stuff started coming down last night and it was a winter wonderland out there by morning.

It IS very pretty, though. I just don't want to have to drive around in it, especially without 4WD.

Oh believe me, the birds chirping, walking outside in bare feet-- I was celebrating! Haha! I have no idea when the weather turned, only that I wasn't aware of it until I stepped outside ;)

Agreed on both counts ;)

you are a succesful story teller! I'm glad that I found your feed. :) also it was nice to see some snowy pictures since I haven't seen any snow this year ... :)

Thank you, I'm glad that you found it too :) I felt that way about snow when I lived down south, now it's old lol.

actually I'm living in İstanbul and it snows every year but I dont know what happened this year... global warming maybe... :) started following you, will follow your quality content and nice to meet u:)

There is definitely something going on with the weather. When I was a kid we had consistent snowfall all winter which would typically end in mid to late march. Now the temperature is all over the board, and it will bounce from winter to spring and back until May.
Thank you and nice to meet you too!

We also have a lot of snow. And I am also ready to share it. Maybe we are you to me - I - to you?)

Haha, maybe so!

Dude, I live in the tropics since 6 years, where the lowest temperature is 19 degrees celsius in the dry season.
Right now I want to hug you just looking at all this white weird thing in the photos.

We lived in Florida where it was always sunny and usually warm, I definitely miss it in the winter time! I accept your hug, haha, feel better already ;)

The snow looks amazing, and I am being selfish and in no hurry for it to be over. Cos when spring arrives there, it means it will be autumn here...

I understand that!

I wouldn't know the first thing about driving in the snow. Glad you guys know what you're doing. And all that snow does look pretty, I agree. In a post card perhaps. If I was prepared for it, and didn't have to travel to work in it, perhaps I could handle it, but I don't get along with the cold so well. Still, your photos all look great, and a bargain was had, so who's complaining?

Snow isn't really a big deal to drive in, it's ice that I don't like ;) lol, my only real complaint is the unbearable gray skies that plague us all winter. I think if we had more blue and sun I could handle it- those are not black and white shots just to be clear, haha.

Okay, I can see why ice would be a problem. I've not had the pleasure of driving in any, but it does happen sometimes in Australia. As for the grey skies, I'm with you on that. Some sun and blue sky in winter isn't too much to ask, is it?

I'm pretty sure that's what's called a "dusting" in Ithaca. Glad you didn't end up in a ditch though. Oh, and isn't March historically the worst month for snow there? I know it is in SE Pennsylvania (where it was 83 degrees on Wednesday incidentally).

Ha, yeah, it has been known to get worse, and Echh, don't remind me about March and snow lol!
The weather is so screwed up recently, 83 in PA in February, Jesus.

Yeah it was a record for that day and the previous record was something like 70 degrees in 1930. Crazy!

Winter is back it almost gotcha hahah loved it the views are incredible and the pics you shot are simply outstanding great to see your post :D

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