Natural Damage Due to Exploitation

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Presume of natural demage natural damages continue to occur due to mining exploitation. The shady forest is now barren, the trees that grow hundreds of years on the tebang so. Natural disasters are happening, profit sharing from exploitation gets only one percent, really is my country. Here are photos of search results at the mine:

Dugaan kerusakan alam terus terjadi akibat eksploitasi pertambangan batu bara. Hutan yang rindang kini gersang, pepohonan yang tumbuh ratusan tahun di tebang begitu saja. Bencana alam kian mengancam wilayah setempat, bagi hasil dari eksploitasipun hanya satu persen dari penjualan batu bara. Miris, sungguh malangnya negeri ku. Berikut foto hasil penelusuran di lokasi tambang:


Mining activity A number of heavy equipment are dredging the produce, namely coal. As far as the eye is concerned, hundreds of hectares of forest are cut down into arid.

Aktifitas pertambangan. Sejumlah alat berat sedang mengeruk hasil bumi, yaitu batu bara. Sejauh pandang mata, ratusan hektar hutan ditebang menjadi gersang.


Overlay of large holes of exploitation of coal mining, which was abandoned, without reclaimed the company. These huge holes are very dangerous for animals and the surrounding community.

Hamparan lubang-lubang besar hasil eksploitasi pertambangan batu bara, yang ditinggalkan begitu saja, tanpa direklamasi pihak perusahaan. Lubang-lubang besar ini sangat berbahaya bagi hewan dan masyarakat sekitar.


The exploited bricks are burned and abandoned by coal mining companies. The burning coal has the potential to spread and burn forest.

Batu bara hasil ekploitasi terbakar dan ditinggalkan begitu saja oleh perusahaan tambang. Ancama kebakaran hutan bisa saja terjadi di wilayah itu.


Coal waste polluted river water, consequently river water is black. Water fish such as catfish, cork and other fish are rarely found.

Limbah batu bara cemari air sungai, akibatnya air sungai berwarna hitam pekat. Ikan air seperti lele, gabus dan ikan lainnya mulai jarang di temukan.



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