Wandering through the ancient city of Caesarea - Traveling in Israel - Original Work

in #photography8 years ago

Moving along from the ancient Roman aqueduct Sabrina and I walked over to the interesting but very touristy unearthed city of Caesarea.

It was really neat to see all the ancient tile work, and roman columns, and one of the major highlights was the Hippodrome, or chariot racing arena. The original oval area and stone benches are there, but the day we visited there was a HUGE event going on and the place was just packed out with families, so we couldn't get any decent photos.

We aren't really the "follow the tour guide and snap shots with the crowd" type of travelers, we much prefer to just go at our own pace, see what we see, miss what we miss, and chill the whole way through type, so we ended up just wandering around a little and found some neat stuff.

Here are a few shots of the very well preserved mosaic floors from the town, pretty cool to see this ancient decoration.

Sabrina's feet

A lot of the mosaic work was surprisingly intricate for floors, makes you wonder what the walls and ceilings looked like!

I think this area was meant to be a house, with various interconnected rooms.

You can see some of the excavated columns in these shots as well.

A close up of one of the columns.

From Caesarea we continued on our way, heading for Galilee, saw this sign on the way and thought it was pretty cool, Nazareth!!

Well that's all for tonight, I'm doing pretty good with posting here on Steemit again so I'll try to keep up the travel series. Next I'll be posting our brief but enjoyable visit to Galilee where we swam in the sea! As always if you enjoyed this post feel free to toss me one of those sweet sweet upvotes, you know I always appreciate them! And be sure to follow me @dexter-k on Steemit to keep up with our travels and see new original content all the time.

Thanks for reading!



These are some cool pictures! Thanks for sharing :)

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