Deranged Photography Contest - Saturday is Black and White Theme


Black and White Winners!


We had some amazing entries this past week in the Black and White theme. You all did an awesome job!

One thing I learned while doing these contests in this new way where the winners will get upvotes instead of wallet payouts is that I need to make sure to start voting on the winners the night prior to the ending of the contest so that I make the payout window and I am still able to upvote the entries because there were two winning entries that I was not able to upvote, but I was still able to reward a comment that the photographers made under their entries. This is a learning process with this new way of doing the contest.

Professional Tier


1st Place @oheyo


2nd Place @capitanonema


3rd Place @sjarvie5


Amateur Tier


1st Place @boddhisattv


2nd Place @betterthanhome


3rd Place @onealfa


Beginner Tier


1st Place @ale.dri


2nd Place @flicktaste


3rd Place @katerinaramm


Black and White Photography


Saturday's theme is Black and White. Black and white photography is where it all started. This type of photography really focuses on capturing the essence of your subject and eliminating all of those colorful distractions. It enables you to really convey emotion in your images. It is more than just taking a picture of anything and desaturating it. Planning ahead and shooting your image for black and white can really help you when you are trying to become a better black and white photographer.

I am looking forward to seeing the images you all come up with for this theme. It is one of my favorites.

How is the Deranged Photography Contest set up?


The contest is broken up into three different tiers. Each will have a different rewards for the winners based on what tier you enter into. Here is a breakdown of the rewards based on the tiers:

1st100% Upvote80% Upvote60% Upvote
2nd80% Upvote60% Upvote40% Upvote
3rd60% Upvote40% Upvote30% Upvote

Each contest will be open for submissions for 6 days and close on the 7th day so that winners can be picked and the new post can be made.

What are the themes?

  • Monday - Macro
  • Tuesday - Landscapes
  • Wednesday - Wildlife
  • Thursday - Portraits
  • Friday - Sports
  • Saturday - Black and White
  • Sunday - Streetphotography

How to enter


When you enter a photo in the competition, you will state what tier you want to be judged in and locked in for the month at that level.

For example if you enter a photo, you drop the photo in the comment section, state what level of photographer you are, and then give a description of the photograph.

That's pretty much it, drop a photo in the comment section of this post and state your tier. If you want to make a separate post for your entry as well, that is fine, but for your entry to be valid, your photo and tier must be in here in the comment section of this post. If you do make a separate post, be sure to use the #photography and #creativecoin tags.

Additional Notes


  • Only one submission per contest. Extra submissions will be ignored.

  • You can switch your tier ONE time per month, but only if you are moving up into a higher tier, for example if you are currently in the amateur tier, but you think that you have a photograph that you want to enter in the professional tier, you can state that you are changing your tier to professional. You will then be locked into the new tier for the remainder of the month. You are not able to move down to a lower tier, like going from amateur to the beginner tier.

  • If you do not state which tier you want to be judged in for the month, I will leave a comment to remind you to do so, but if you don't respond, you will be assigned to a tier and locked in for that month.

  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form. All submissions must be your own work. I will investigate every entry and if you are caught plagiarizing, not only will you be blacklisted from competing from any future contests, but you will be reported to @steemcleaners as well. It is not worth it to try and cheat, especially with the 3 tier set up where everyone has an equal shot of winning.

Thank you to everyone that will be participating. The contest wouldn't be around without your great submissions!




First time in a while. not sure what tier to go for, not a pro, not an amateur :) Will go for a pro for a month.
One of my latests photos.

I think it looks even better in Black and White!

i think i like it more in Black and white to. also i do like this 1:1 crop. sun is less distracting

Underwater world is normaly full of colors, let's try in black and white with this Manta ray.


That looks so cool!

Congratulations to all the winners.
These contests sure are a good place to see many interesting and outstanding works in one place.

Needless to say that I am proud with my #3 spot between the Amateurs. This is one of my favorite shots, and I'm glad it was positively evaluated not only by 100+ steemians on this tribe, but also you @derangedvisions, the contest referee.
And that it could make through, despite the fact, that yesterday one photo "profi" from down-under, who keeps a huge PHOTO voting power of 55K+ tokens, and even is presently #2 on the Photo-Rich list ( founders excluded, see below) , jumped in and DOWNWOTED this picture at his FULL -100% power. Without even one single word, or explanation, or note. :)
I have a few guesses why did he made this, as this was not the only downvote I've got from him.
But will not publish these guesses at this time, as this might be a bit to early yet.

Some info about this post in one place is below:

Dear @news-today , in case you ( or any other official photo tribe curators) will find anything to comment - I will be glad to hear.

Her comes the amateur again...with a boat this time (yes, yes, you have to find him 😉)
More explanations about the shot can be found here:

So special

My participation friends, a photographic work that tries to express a little about emotions, frustration, I hope is like. Tier: Amateur


The Poetry of Nature

Black and white version of outdoors art portrait shot in the Summer field of rye. Perfect soft light and excellent play of a model with actually very long blonde hairs...



Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

Random Streetphotography in the Streets of New Farm, Brisbane.


This is the gorgeous Emerald Lake, Yoho National Park, British Columbia. Tier: Amateur.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 58148.81
ETH 2345.69
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.35