Monochrome Monday -- A Dog's Eye View Of The Day After A Holiday ~ Original Photography and Short Discussion ~

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

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Sometimes The Day After Just Doesn't Feel All That Vibrant By Comparison

A Day Off

Let's face it, everyone loves a Holiday. No work. Maybe you have the day to yourself, or maybe the family and/or good friends congregate in one place, and a grand time is had by all. Sometimes there is travel far and wide, with much visiting and fanfare, sometimes folks just stay at home, and do whatever their heart desires.

"Ooh, a day off, YAAY" -- I'm just going to sleep in, eat pies and cakes and ice cream for breakfast, and then get dressed before 2:00 PM. MAYBE. Plan of the day, do absolutely nothing, and recharge the batteries.

-- OR --

"Ooh, a day off, YAAY" -- I have a full day to myself, and umpteen chores to do that never seem to get done. THAT'S what I'm doing today. Up by 7:00 AM, dressed, plenty of coffee and a hearty breakfast, and off to the yard. Tackle some of those jobs around the house that never seem to have an endpoint.

Whatever the plan, whenever you get out of bed, eat breakfast of any sort, and whatever energy level you put forth towards the day, everyone loves a Holiday.

But unfortunately, all Holidays must come to an end.

Back To Reality

And when the day of doing whatever you want is over? And the next day's sun blasts through the curtains, the alarm jangles you awake before 2:00 PM, there are no more cookies or cakes left for breakfast, and life continues on in it's meandering river-course of daily travel? Well, it just doesn't seem all that exciting, or free. I like to call it less vibrant, colorful and free.

This seems universal. Maybe it's a comparison thing. Yesterday I could do whatever I want, however I want, whenever I want, and today, well, I can't! There's work, life, responsibilities, and all the stuff that supports it on a day to day basis.

The View From Four Legs

All this said, I just hope everyone can enjoy their day after Father's Day today, no matter what you are doing or where. Think of the bright side, supposedly your dog (or the neighbor's) only gets to see the world in monochrome or blue-tint vision EVERY day.

Then again, every day is a Holiday to a dog. So maybe we will forgo that logic. Let's just enjoy the day as a human bean. That seems do-able to me, if we all try. Even if it is a bit less colorful by comparison.

Thanks for stopping in for a Dog's Eye view of my flowers after the Holiday.

 Lumix ZS-40  4mm  1/500 @ F3.3  ISO 200 

Things Are Definitely Less Colorful -- Reference Point

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And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...


Yes its kind of like the first day back to work after a nice long vacation. I try to mix in just a bit of a fun something to help it go better.

I've always tried to do that at work too, sometimes the boss has appreciated it, sometimes not. I avoid the 'not' bosses.

Beautful photography. And so true. Yep, its the truth! I defintelt feel the less vibrant feel when weekend or tine off is up. It's just that subtle, less spirited feel.

It definately is a different feel to the 'real day' after. Sigh. But that's what lakes the day's off so special. Thanks for the view and nice comment, greatly appreciated. Have a nice day.

Beautiful work dear friend @ddschteinn very professional as you present your work, congratulations for your profecionalismo, thank you very much for sharing this wonderful work.
Have a great day

Thanks for the re-steem, muchly appreciated. I'm way behind on here, so this comment is as stale as a piece of old bread on the counter.

Wow great photos

Thank you, I appreciate the view and comment. Those photos are sort of an un-matched matched set.

Nice black and white flower photo! I like your wordings; "Dog's Eye view"...."The View From Four Legs"..... Yes, I will try to think as the dog and every day will be a Holiday, as you said... Thanks so much for this encouragement! Well done! ;)

Thanks for the nice thought and words. It is actually the same photo as yesterday's Father's Day flowers, only in BW with blue...for the dog's eye view. And the color today is not as great when not on holiday. Think the idea was kind of subtle. But still fun to do. Have a nice day.

Yes, I also noticed that it's the same photo of yesterday's Father's Day flowers! (But I was not sure at first, so I didn't mention it in my previous comment) It's a very great idea that you use it for two posts but in absolutely different feeling! Very creative and Excellent! ;D

Have a nice night! ;)

Thank you, wasn't sure if it was obvious or not. Have a nice day today and have fun taking pictures.

With my pleasure! Yes, I will have fun taking pictures! You are my great inspiration on this! Have a wonderful night! ;D

Love the monochrome picture, the post is great and have upvoted and followed you. I had 5 weeks off with a broke hand ad it passed so quick it was scary, now back at work and every day feels like a slog!

Thanks for the view and nice comment. A little late getting back on here....crazy days.
That's too bad you broke your hand, hard to do anything, I imagine. If only we could figure out how to reverse those day off feelings and work day feelings. Ever figure that one out and you'd be the talk of the town.

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