Being 30 Years Old. Hopes, Dreams, Reality and Ester Celebration

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Happy Ester Steemit!

Ro:Paste Fericit Steemit!

So on 6th April 1988 I was born

Ro:Deci pe 6 Aprilie 1988 m-am nascut.

me at 1.png

Note:Me at 1 year and 3 months.

Ro: Eu la 1 an si 3 luni

On 6th April 2018 I became 30 years old.

Ro: Pe 6 Aprilie 2018 am implinit 30 de ani.


So that happened...

Ro : Deci aia s-a intamplat...
cool cake.png

Thirty is a huge milestone and I always tough of what to say or post.
I was thinking ...I am on this planet for 3 decades now...
But then a question appeared in my mind:

Ro: Treizeci de ani reprezintă o piatră de hotar imensă și întotdeauna m-am gandit ce sa spun sau sa postez.
Mă gândeam ... Sunt pe această planetă acum 3 decenii ...
Dar apoi mi-a apărut o întrebare

What I done in this past 30 years?

Ro: Ce am făcut în ultimii 30 de ani?

Well... in the first 10 years I played ...and gone to school...then on the second 10 years I mostly played (with my life) and gone to school...and on the next 10 more years...I STILL WENT TO SCHOOL.

Thinking on that I started to become depressed ...realizing that more or less I am a waste of good oxygen.

Looking serious on these 30 years my biggest accomplishments are :

  • Finishing the Naval Academy plus earning my Master's Degree
  • Writing and publishing my book called Virusul Vietii or the Virus of Life in english .
  • Starting to blog.

I done a lot more things like travel around the world..but I seen so many bad things that I just do NOT see it like an accomplishment.

Ro:Gândindu-mă la asta, am început să devin deprimat ... realizând că mai mult sau mai puțin sunt o risipă de oxigen bun.
Privind serios pe cei 30 de ani, cele mai mari realizări ale mele sunt:

- Finalizarea Academiei Navale plus câștigarea diplomei de masterat
- Scriind si publicand cartea mea Virusul Vietii
- Început să scriu un blog.

Am făcut mult mai multe lucruri cum ar fi călătoriile în jurul lumii ... dar am văzut atât de multe lucruri rele pe care nu le văd ca o realizare.

Since childhood I had so many idols in music, sports and books that are no longer with us anymore like:

Ro: Din copilarie am avut multi idoli in muzica, sport si carti care nu mai sunt printre noi precum:

Robin McLaurin Williams

edit Cynetyc.png

Source image taken from :

On August 11, 2014, Williams committed suicide at the age of 63, may he rest in peace.

Ro: Pe August 11, 2014 Williams a comis suicid la varsta de 63 de ani, sa se odihneasca in pace.

Chester Bennington, Linkin Park


Source image taken and edited from

Chester Bennington was found dead in his house on 2oth of July 2017.

Ro:Chester Bennington a fost gasit mort in casa sa pe 20 iulie 2017

Richard Eugene Piana a.k.a Rich Piana


Image source from

A charismatic and strong bodybuilder that created his own brand called 5% .
I loved his training videos and his vlogs on youtube.
He was honest with what he was doing and always, always teaches his viewers to do it (training) the right way, and the natural way.
What I liked the most was that he was open and told many secrets behind the scenes of bodybuilding.
Rich Piana died on august 25 2017.

Ro: Un culturist carismatic și puternic care și-a creat propria marcă, numită 5%.
Mi-a plăcut videoclipurile de antrenament și vlogurile pe YouTube.
El a fost cinstit cu ceea ce face și întotdeauna îi învață întotdeauna pe telespectatori să facă acest lucru (antrenamentul) pe calea cea bună și anume pe calea naturală.
Ceea ce mi-a plăcut cel mai mult a fost că a fost deschis și a spus multe secrete în spatele scenei de culturism.
Rich Piana a murit pe 25 august 2017.

Bodybuilding idols that are injured severely

Ro:Idoli din culturism ce au fost accidentati sever

Ronnie Coleman Before


Source image taken from


Big Ron.png

Source image taken from :

For Robin Chester and Piana I was on the sea when they died.
I felt terrible and helpless when I found out because I like their work, now legacy a lot and when something like this happens you cannot do noting to change it.
For Ronnie case in 2015 I used a cane to walk.
I did not know that he was in the hospital at that time ...that I found out latter.
The thing is that Ronnie is a professional bodybuilder and strongman that over the years had many accidents, while me ...I confess that I injured myself when I made squats with 215 kg on my back .
I wanted to compete in a Romanian contest (national, local ...any of them) but obviously that will never happen now.
Ro: Pentru Robin Chester și Piana eram pe mare când au murit.
M-am simțit groaznic și neajutorat când am aflat pentru că îmi place munca lor, acum moștenire mai mult când se întâmplă ceva de genul asta, nu poți să schimbi nimic.
Pentru cazul lui Ronnie, în 2015, am folosit un baston pentru a merge.
Nu știam că era la spital în acel moment ... pe care l-am aflat ulterior.
Lucrul este că Ronnie este un culturist profesionist și un om puternic, care de-a lungul anilor a avut multe accidente, în timp ce eu ... mărturisesc că m-am rănit când am facut genoflexiuni cu 215 kg pe spate.
Am vrut să concurez într-un concurs românesc (național, local ... oricare dintre acestea), dar evident că nu se va întâmpla niciodată acum.

Maybe someday I will re-tell this story...maybe
Ro Poate intr-o zi voi respune această poveste...poate

So with all that being written I am now 30 and I must exercise caution!

I must be realistic about me and my dreams, I cant afford to make stupid mistakes, because as time is passing I have more to lose.
So I try to smile and hope that the next day will bring me something better.

I am NOT yet happy...but maybe one day I will be ...maybe!

Ro: Deci, cu tot ceea ce sunt scris, sunt acum 30 de ani și trebuie să fiu prudent!
Trebuie să fiu realist în privința mea și a viselor mele, nu îmi permit să fac greșeli stupide, pentru că, pe măsură ce timpul trece, am mai mult de pierdut.
Așa că încerc să zâmbesc și sper că a doua zi îmi va aduce ceva mai bun.
Nu sunt încă fericit ... dar poate că într-o zi voi fi ... poate!

So on my birthday I tried to do something simple and relaxing like fishing...

Ro: Deci de ziu mea am incercat ceva simplu si relaxant precum pescuitul

In this simple fishing video I test a new 4k sports camera that I found on a store in Romania.
The camera is called Myria and was 350 Ron or 92$ when I bought it. Now because it is Ester is sold for 52 $.

A similar camera can be found here:

Click on the image to see more details

We started to fish at 07:15 in the morning and stayed there until 10:30 am.
Ro: Am inceput sa pescuim la 07:15 si am stat pana la 10:30.

Not one single fish...but we had our time!

RO:Nu am prins nici un peste...dar ne-am distrat!

After that we went to eat at a restaurant because...all that FISH...made us hungry!

Ro:După aceea am mers la un restaurant deoarece...tot PESTELE ala facut foame!


Then we walked in the park stretch our legs...on the bench.

Ro apoi ne-am plimbat in parc sa ne intindem picioarele o banca.


On Our "Hike" we seen some swans.

Ro in excursia noastră am văzut niste lebede.


Sunday on 8th April it was Ester and me and my grandparents we went to church.

Ro Duminica pe 8 Aprilie a fost Pastele si eu si bunicii mei am mers la biserica.

I took this photo with my Samsung J5 phone when the ceremony was over and all people where outside where the priest will come and spray with holy water over the painted eggs.

Ro:Am facut această fotografie cu telefonul Samsung J5 când ceremonia s-a terminat și toți oamenii erau afara unde preotul va veni și va pulveriza cu apă sfântă peste ouăle pictate.

Here we are outside and a boy is using the bells to signal the end of the ceremony.

Ro: Aici suntem afara și un băiat foloseste clopotele pentru a semnala sfârșitul ceremoniei.


Here you can see that we gathered and the priest is spraying with holy water over the pască

Ro: Aici puteți vedea că ne-am adunat și preotul stropeste cu apă sfântă peste pasca



Pasca is a romanian word and translated in english would mean's not accurate.. it is a baked cake that has a sweet taste and only used during Ester Celebration.

Ro:Pasca este un cuvânt românesc și tradus în limba engleză ar însemna pâine ... nu este corect.. este un cozonac care are un gust dulce și este folosit doar în timpul celebrării Pastelui

Also please notice the markings, drawings and cross design as they indicate that we are Lipoveni

Ro: De asemenea, vă rugăm să observați marcajele, desenele și designul încrucișat, deoarece acestea indică faptul că suntem Lipoveni


Here we are home after the Ceremony.

Ro:Aici suntem acasa după slujbă.

Well friends thank you all for reading my story and with luck we will see each other in a future post!

Ro: Păi prieteni multumesc pentru ca mi-ati citit povestea si cu noroc ne vom vedea intr-un post viitor!



great post sir, resteem

Thank you very much @taylor10!

O.o I did not know about Ronnie...that photo is from 2015 right?

Yeah, that was his latest injury that required an important surgery.

Great post @cynetyc

Kind of a grim story but with a lovely ending !
Thank you @cynetyc for a fantastic life story!

Thank you very much @madushanka for this gift!
I love it very much !

Nice journey shared man, you have grown alot from cute lil baby to a man and your expressed this journey with words 😍 that's cool i must say... you remember every single thing since your childhood that's a sharp mind i would say...
about school, school sucks really, I'm suffering same bro, about you, you must have been a bright student as of your words express and your memory too...

I am NOT yet happy...but maybe one day I will be ...maybe

you will be happy and deserve to be coz a face like your would never see sadness..
well you enjoyed Easter with full efforts... Happy Easter and Happy Birthday @cynetyc ... Be happy and live peaceful, spread love...


Thank You very much @muhasib for the warm wishes !

Yeah everything changes according to age, first 10 years or 15 are of fun playing and enjoying and as you start entering adulthood your mind changes your thinking changes and your way of looking, judging changes. Its just a matter of time. Yeah everyone has dreams and ambition and struggle for it. You have it too. Just stick to it. Thanks for sharing such thoughts and your life story with us . Blessings for you

Thank you very much @tulhachouhdry !
What I learned so far is that I must manage my time in a correct way as to maximize my amount of things that I can do in one day.

Yes exactly managing time will make things easier.

Have you found good ways to manage your time?

Wow excellent post and great photography
Thanks @cynetyc
Have a great day

Happpy happy belated birthday cynetyc, i hope you had a blast and you were such a cute kid. Love it. Wow just 30 you have a big life ahead. Enjoy the ester fun. Love your post too.

Thank you very much @sabazalam and I will take time and celebrate with my family because time is very precious!

Woow you are a great photographer and also have a great ability of writing no doubt you are also a great writer you write a great story about yourself i like it hope you will write more thanks for sharing keep it up

Thank you very much @travellingwomen !
Here On Steemit I am very happy that I can share my stories!

Happy birthday @cynetyc you have been on this planet for 30 years, learned a lot but still I don't think anyone of us really does know why are we here? Well you are going for your Masters that's great, you are doing Masters in?

Thank you very much @mumin007 !
I took my masters degree in Port Management and Navigation in 2013.

I am not aware about that what does port Management mean?

No problem it means that I can be hired in a position (Management position or similar) in a Naval Port to either monitor the port traffic or do other specific jobs related to a naval port.