Happy Holidogs for You! Peep Some of the Pups I Photographed for Charity and Just Feel Good

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Remember a few weeks ago, when I talked about finding the things you love to do and applying them to doing real good out there in the world? Here's a look at one of mine, just to make you smile.

      The holidays are an intrinsically joyful time, but that doesn't mean there isn't sadness lurking around. As cliché as it is, try to be mindful of the fact that you can't know the stories of the people around you. Just like you personally may be struggling with pain or sadness, so too might the holidays make someone else feel lonely or depressed. I love a lot about Christmas, but as I spoke about on my radio show last night... I associate this time of year with deep loss. It's hard for me to get into the festivities without grief gripping my heart, or guilt when I do manage to let go and really have fun. That doesn't mean the holidays are horrible; it just means that sometimes I'm not at my best, and there are lots of people who slip in and out of that. To avoid straying too far from where I'm going with this post, just remember that at any given point, someone around you likely needs a smile. You've got all the kindness and the talent to make it happen. For me, I make sure that at this time of year, I find ways to serve — both to cheer and empower myself and others... and if it involves snuggling and photographing adorable dogs for a great cause, then so much the better!

Literally, this post is simply dogs having their holiday photos taken. I had such a stupid, childlike grin on my face the entire shoot, my cheeks were burning all night.


      They turned out pretty well, all considered! These were taken in the cramped back office of a local SPCA branch, with no additional lighting and some seriously squirmy worm puppers. The shelter was on a tight budget, so the backdrop was a white sheet from the hamper and some lights we pulled off a tree in the plaza. While they're sub-par as far as studio shots go, the goofy smiling-or-slightly-stunned doggo faces make for some priceless memories. I took the photos with unlimited snuggles as payment, and the shelter came away with more than $600 in donations in a few hours. Plus, now all of you get to look at them and laugh and love your tails off 🖤

That's all. No epic or sweeping post tonight; just a wish for a little more kindness and a few more smiles. Be kind to yourselves and each other, and go spread your light and your talent, however it is you do.


      Have an amazing weekend, regardless of what holiday you celebrate. And if you're not feeling great; hang in there and breathe. If you ever need someone to talk to, come find me on Discord and I'll send you a pupper picture.

These photos and words are my own work, inspired by travels all over this pretty blue marble of ours. I hope you like them. 🌶️


Hi, I'm Crimmi. I help run a top 30 Steemit witness, along with my project partner @followbtcnews. Feel free to reach out to us on Steemit Chat or Discord at any time! If we haven't earned your vote yet, please take some time to look at our tools and our work — place a vote for followbtcnews if you feel we're doing a good job.


love love love every one of them! i could even see a video of the night squeezed into a few minutes with fast motion and random pauses to capture the pristine moments where the camera snapped, and all those funny blooper boop moments that are precious. hugs all of the puppers much love, such fun!

oh man, the outtakes are mostly blurry blurry wagging bums 😂I love this idea! Next year, I'll try to set up the timelapse gopro while I do this kind of work~ it might be super fun to see the results!

Oh my god, Im going to save this post and look at it whenever Im feeling overwhelmed by this hectic season... look at those smiles!

I know how hard it can be to shoot animals especially smiling puppers in outfits, so my hat is off to you gal- really really well done! You have my upvote and resteem <3

I work with rescue animals and pets a lot, so I'm starting to get pretty good at this (read: I take 800+ photos, and cull down to 50 or so 😂) Thank you so much... There's something about that last pic that just makes my heart sing.

haha i know your pain, I used to have to take doggo pictures in the middle of busy NYC streets for their "report card"when I was a walker, so toggling doggo, street chaos, backpack and Phone AND trying to get a smile- was near impossible- but I did luck out here and there ;)

you're right volume is key lol

So happy you're using your skills to help these handsome doggos find homes this holiday season <3

Well, this is just a whole bunch of Christmas happy!!!

Isn't it? sighs wistfully

hahaha , such nice pictures @crismonclad ! christmas also has that 'bittersweet' taste to me because I lost someone very dear along these days.. but , well , life goes on! and we have to move forward :) . Thanks for sharing. Btw , I'd like to thank you for your continued support in my posts , as I learn a bit more on Steemit I just learned about the witness system , so im definitely voting for @followbtcnews :D . I'm resteeming this too. Cheers!

you're very sweet! I fully support you as a talented musician, and a kind person. Never feel obligated to come check me out....I try to sneak under the radar and drop little tokens of appreciation where I can and where they are truly deserved.

I'm sorry you've also gone through the experience of loss at this time of year. It's never easy, but you're right. Working on moving on and finding joy doesn't mean that you forget that person or their meaning, but it's still an uphill battle. They loved you, and you loved them, and they would always want you to know that being as happy and as grateful as you can while remembering is the best way to honour them <3

That was a pretty epic post to me.

wellll, it's true. Happiness and puppers are both very important <3

Aww so lovely and adorable to see the dogs enjoying their time in the spotlight! :)

most of them enjoyed.... 😂 I always stop if they are in genuine distress... buuuuut I will admit that I really do find it hilarious when they're annoyed. (I swear I'm not a bad person)

Awwww these are all so cute!!!

how can you even be sad? The closest I can come to tears is crying in hysterics at the tiny confused one in the santa suit 😂

yes, i was laughing at that one, he looks all shaky and confused about what is happening (^_^)

I love what you did here. So I helped resteem too. I hope it's not too late for me to contribute a little this way @crimsonclad. I have a local charity drive myself too and I'm helping them out by creating content here for them. You can find the content link here: https://steemit.com/animals/@deborism/steemit-charity

Thanks so much in advance. Merry Christmas :)

I stopped in. Thank you~ you are awesome. Get those guys on steemit!!

Thanks again @crimsonclad. I followed you. Thanks for everything <3

Wow !this is great of your targeting path.I appreciate of you and hopefully you will do the better.Wish you good luck@crimsonclad

thank you for stopping in to say so, Wasim; I appreciate it~

Welcome my friend.

Wow soooo cute! I'm taking my three to see Santa this weekend. Wish me luck!!! Can't wait to share the photos :)

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