Steemit Christmas Charity- Fundraising for A Fur-maly

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

Christmas, a season of get-togethers and jolly good fun between rounds of drinks and merry people.

A season of sharing and giving.


For some people, giving means contributing money and material possessions, one way or the other with or without condition.

While others do it out of pure love. This is the case of Jay (her name is changed to protect her identity). And Jay has been giving her time, energy and love to the many children of hers. Her kids are special kind of breeds, hailing from all background. But they only knew one thing or the other- unwavering loyalty and boundless love.

The kids are hers, and they're all rescued from pits of hell. Many at the brink of dying. Needing round the clock care of medication, treatments, and therapy.

Some of her kids were paralyzed, scalded and abused. The broken ones.

These are her furkids.

Each furkid has their story. Each wound and torn flesh has their own sad beginnings, but happy endings now.

happy dog now- after rescued by Jay

accident survivor

These days I hardly write. Not because I'm entirely lazy. But because I was giving myself a hard time to get this out.

My oldest friends would have known me long enough to identify me as the 'lady who loves dogs.' But frankly, I don't deserve to be called that way. Because it would be an overstatement for me, and insult to Jay.

I used to rescue. These days I only donate, because I couldn't go through the heartache and I have to admit that I'm so much weaker emotionally, and physically. All in all, I couldn't have done what Jay has done.

She took in a total of 48 furkids. And went through a hellish ordeal from the local authorities- slapping her with the summons, and threaten her to "put her dogs away."

It only means one thing to them- get rid of them.

You see. It's always easier to trash out the things you find no need in your life. But to Jay, these furkids actually gave her (and her husband) the strength to go on doing what they're doing now.

If you're wondering whether Jay is a legit person or a scammer, do check her efforts and surmounting (vet's) bills in facebook page (A pet's journal).

Have a look and judge for yourself :)

no idea how she does this

She doesn't usually ask for donations unless it's really urgent and an emergency pressing for time and money. Like this case-

Otherwise, you can find her baking to raise funds for her furkids.

I have bought her cupcakes (for my pups and also for my family) and occasionally, donated a decent sum to her. But we all know, deep down, money goes out faster than it comes in- especially with the current rise in the cost of living.

So I am dedicating this post to her. And plead for our fellow Steemian to gather in spirit (and upvotes/ Steem power) to make miracles happen for Jay and her fur-maly.


3 ways you can help

How-to via Steemit

Since we are on the Steemit platform, you can upvote this post, resteem and share it, because we will be donating the payout amount to Jay. The money will be used to help Jay ease the furkids' medical expenses, treatments, vaccination and day-to-day necessities like food, diapers, etc. Of course, we accept SBD donations too.

How-to via Facebook

You can personally PM Jay to ask about this effort as I already have her permission to post this info. If you'd like to know more about her and her efforts, follow her on this Facebook account-

A Pet's Journal

She's still selling the cupcakes but I am not too sure if she can make it on time for Christmas delivery. Do PM her and ask her. She might take sometime to reply because she's currently caring for a really sick dog.

How-to via wire transfer

In case you'd prefer to help through contributing directly, this is her husband's account-

6837534512 Public Bank (Sivabalan)

Oh, in case you're wondering why the personal account- she's an independent rescuer, so she's not a registered body or entity.

If you're hesitant, I don't blame you- I might too if I didn't know her too well.

But there's a story I need to share which proves to me that Jay and her husband are good people.

Once, we bought a dozen cupcake from her and was confused with the order, so we ended up paying extra. But Jay's husband gave us back the money even though he could have just cheated it from us. He didn't. As confused as we were, and still are… we simply trusted him.

Fast forward, here I am. Trying my best to repay their kindness.

Again, you can always have a look at the impressive things she's done on her Facebook page and decide for yourself if she's worth helping :)

As Chris Guillebeau once mentioned, "Give. But once you've given, let it go. Don't expect how others use the money or resources. Invest in people."

Invest in the people. And you'll have people like Jay, doing good in the world.


*Spread the love and joy tis loving season. Merry Christmas*


Jay, her partner and myself, including all the furkids would like to thank you in advance for your upvotes, donations, and support.

All donations in SBD and STEEM is accepted in my @deborism account. It's my personal account because Jay's not on Steemit, but I'll definitely update you all here on Steemit. If you have a special message which you would like to convey to Jay and her family, put it in a memo when transferring your SDB or STEEM we will make sure it is conveyed to them.

If you can't donate, an upvote would be great, and all liquid SBD payouts will be used for the donation drive. Leave a comment if you want to send a message to this family

Thanks for guiding me through this post with the how-tos @maverickfoo


my friend Richard,together 12 years.

Pitbull! I love them too :) One of the sweetest breed <3 followed you already :)

many people say that this breed is very endangered,I think that this is one of the kindest breeds

I threw you my fattest upvote. Definitely try to help these guys get a Steemit account for the rescue... I know some accounts looking specifically for animal related causes to follow. Thank you for helping them <3

Thank you so much @crimsonclad. I'm going to share some of their rescue stories soon. No, thanks to all of you for helping them <3 Have a merry, merry christmas

Done upvoting and resteemed. It's a hard and tough job, taking care all of them.

Yes indeed @viverridae . This lady Jay inspired me a lot. I couldn't have done what she'd done. This is my best honestly. So I plan to finally put my writing skills to helping others :)

For the love of life, hope they will have a good Christmas and a good adopter soon.

Thanks @edmundang, how we wish there are more adopters in this world :)

Very good efforts ... supported 😀 cuz I love dogs

Thanks so much @bitrocker2020. The lady and her hubs are amazing when it comes to rescuing the voiceless <3

Dogs are sometimes much better than some people, they are very smart, faithful, real. They will never betray you, even if we abuse them sometimes, anyway, we are for them the best .

Sadly this is true. But with nice people like you @olegzp and others more here in Steemit, you all are giving hope in humanity again. Thanks guys ... from the bottom of my heart and I'll extend your messages to Jay as well - Merry christmas

Merry Christmas, Best Regards

We face a lack of support for our rescue efforts as well, here in Central Appalachia (U.S.) Even problems with certain government officials. Our sympathies are with this rescuer in her battles to do right by the forgotten ones.

Totally. We should unite and help each other here in Steemit! I've followed your account. Hoping I can help you the same as you did ;__)

And that's a totally cute pic you have as your profile <3

Thanks so much for upvoting too @hendrikdegrote @donkeypong and many others who I can't state all...Thanks for upvoting and resteeming this post. Thank you and I followed you :)

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Love this post. Those who reads this, please help/do your part if you are able to. A little kindness goes a long way.

Thanks dear. You're always so supportive. Have a merry Christmas xoxo

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