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RE: Day 2 - Four Years and One Day | 7 Day Black and White Photo Challenge

in #photography7 years ago

I see the title to your post in the ipod - so it's a song! Just a little cleverness to your art. Are those crunched beer cans and tobacco? My eye sight is poor right now - corrected soon though so I can't see dark dark things well. Also the Lenovo keyboard. Story of your life huh?


Aah, not really the story of my life :) That was a song that I was listening to while having a beer. One of the beer cans is almost full, and next to the crunched one is a packet of salty sticks that I was munching on.

I love that song the Story of My Life ... beer and pretzels - that's what we call salty sticks in Canada. I have to think about Day 3 picture. Thanks for recommending I do this challenge. It's stretching my artistic side with the editing. Teaching me a new skill.

Haha, I was wondering whether I should use salty sticks or pretzels :) We call them Солети here. You are very welcome - that's the best part of such a challenge.

I looked up Солети and yes they are sticks. Our pretzels come in small sticks and then the twisted pieces you probably know them as . I personally love the sour dough pretzels - although a little hard on the teeth, they are my favorites.

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