Ulog Update: Homemade Kombucha Success!

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


I've been experimenting with making my own #kombucha and had varying success. Ever since I started using green tea instead of black, it has tasted SO MUCH BETTER. The last few bottles have been perfect! I extended my second fermenting stage to 3-4 days instead of just two. I'm getting nice carbonation and NO vinegar taste (at least to me! Abyni says she still tastes it) but it is WONDERFUL! I love it!

This stuff has worked miracles on my digestion. I love the taste and it is so freaking cheap to make at home!

**I DID write the next part to "Trapped" but I can not get steemit/steempeak to work for me today. I can't post that part, so I guess you'll get part two (Plus some!) tomorrow!


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this looks very healthy! :-D Gonna try this one

It is SO SO healthy! And once you figure out the process, it is SO cheap and yummy!

Yay!!! Congrats!!!

Thank you ma'am! I was so thrilled to have conquered this stuff, finally!

That looks absolutley amazing!

It was SO good these last few times, I actually messaged a kombucha expert person and asked if I might be doing something wrong because it tasted soooooo good! :)

howdy today @byn! hey I heard that stuff tastes like crap! lol. but I guess it depends on the tea so that's good to hear, keep thinking about making it but I'm so darn healthy as a horse I don't need to be healthier! lol. just teasing, I've heard that we're supposed to have something fermented everyday so I figured that was my license to have a glass of wine daily!

It is an acquired taste and there are a LOT of store bought versions that taste horrible to me. I think I finally got it right, though. Using green tea seems to have made it a lot more mild. It was SO good these last few times, I actually messaged a kombucha expert person and asked if I might be doing something wrong because it tasted soooooo good! :)

hey Byn did you have the recipe for that stuff on that post, I forget but I'd like to try it sometime.

I hear Kombucha is somewhat of an acquired taste. It was a good idea to try it with green tea. Congrats on your success!

DEFINITELY an acquired taste!!! BUT I will also say that when I first started making it with black tea, the 'acquired' part was a lot stronger!

I did fancy making Kombucha myself but the scoby looked so gross I couldn't handle it. I'm brewing some very fine water kefir instead which is also excellent for the stomach and is very tasty with a dash of lemon juice.

Lol! I have to use my best mental powers to overlook the scoby myself!!! I have JUST recently heard of water kefir and have been wanting to try it. This I was able to do with no upfront cost other than tea and sugar, but now that I've got it working, I might have to try water kefir as well.

Well done @byn. Reading this reminded me of the time I tried to make kefir at home. It failed miserably hahaha. I'm sure you are feeling quite proud of yourself 😀

I failed so badly for the first few months, I was just making vinegar repeatedly!!! Thank you, I am feeling pretty awesome about it. A few cents per bottle instead of $3-4 is GREAT!

I haven't found good kombucha just until recently. I had one infused with ginger and orange. So delicious! No vinegar taste at all! Maybe it's time to start making my own as the store bought are really not good. Thank you for sharing some tips!

Ooooh, ginger and orange sounds fantastic! I can't wait to start experimenting with flavors now that I've got the base going right! The stuff I've had over the last two weeks have been so much better than store bought!

It was sooo good! You should try and let me know! :)

I can’t say I’ve ever tried that stuff, but that’s awesome you can make it yourself! I have noticed it’s expensive in the store.

Yep, I'm way too cheap to pay those prices! If you ever decide you want to try it, this is DEFINITELY way cheaper! Less than 25 cents a bottle instead of $3-4!!!

Haha, the dash didn’t show up in my GINABot message, so I thought for a second you said $34!

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