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RE: Haven Away from City Life

in #photography6 years ago

‘Island girl’! You were surrounded by the ocean. That’s even better! Perhaps it’s because we grew up close to the water. That could explain that profound sense of yearning. Of home. My dream is to move to an island for retirement. I went to Hawaii once and loved it. Perhaps Steemit could make that dream into reality one day? 😉

You really are the sweetest @kismet2018. You do an awesome job cheerleading with your thoughtful comments and positivity.


Awww @beeyou, I get the retirement-on-an-island dream! I wish that for you! ... who knows?!

As for "cheerleading" and positivity, my question becomes how can one NOT be absolutely thrilled by #newbieresteemday?! The support that you and so many others generously pour into us is an absolute gift on this journey! It's a pretty vast and faceless landscape at first but the angels in this group are taking care of us, Minnows! Makes it less formidable and more navigable!

I look forward to learning more about you! Your writing is "delicious"!

You two, @beeyou and @kismet2018 are both so darn cute here in your verbal hugging transactions!! Let me say that you are both great cheerleaders and very positive; but like you said @kismet2018, how can we not be with such an awesome group of people?!!

Awww ... "verbal hugging transactions", I love the sound of that ... and on a crypto-currency platform, to boot - Haha ... who knew @lynncoyle1!

Here's some of that "verbal hugging" coming right back to you and your beloved @briancourteau straight from the heart of the Canadian Rockies to you in Mexico!!!

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