ENGLISH PHOTOGRAPHY - 'Contemplating Life...' #ladiesofsteemit #steemsugars

As you may know, my son loves climbing trees. I love this picture I managed to take when he didn't know I was looking! He looks so thoughtful sat in the tree :)

Don't forget to click the image for the full screen effect :)

contemplating life.JPG

The picture was taken using my Fujifilm Finepix S9900W and edited using Photoscape Software at Sherwood Forest, England UK. I hope you like it :)

Thank you for visiting my blog! Much love @beautifulbullies xx

If you like my work and can spare an upvote, I would really appreciate it! Thank you :)




This candid photo of your son is amazing.
He is sitting there with peace and observing nature.

this is a really beautiful photo, the way you edited the photo really brings out the bark of the trees, your son really looks at peace sitting up there, like he has a great connection with those trees.

thank you :) Yes, It is one of my lesser edited pictures, I wanted to leave it as natural as possible as he looks so at peace in the tree :) Glad you like it!

nice post @beautifulbullies :)

good luck for your steam adventure :D

What a stunning photo! At first glance (when I saw the smaller pic) I thought this was a painting of a person swinging on a rope swing up in beautiful fairytale like trees. This makes me want to write a story. I love everything about it!

Thank you so much! :) We have a running joke, if we can't find our son, we look up lol If this does inspire you to write a story, please link the post here, I would love to read it! :)

I have written a story inspired by your photo. I used a small copy of your photo, but I watermarked it and posted a link. If you would rather I not use it, I will remove it and just leave the link. It was just very inspiring!

The Worry & Wonder of Motherhood

This story was surely written about my life! lol It had me in tears (of joy and emotion) it is so accurate. Thank you for using my photo, I love it! :)

Such a lovely, candid picture. He seems so at peace.

thank you :) Yes, he is always much calmer after he has climbed up a tree! I think it is his happy place :)

ehehe :) a little adventurous boy! A wonderful photo. Tell him to take care of himself! I fell from the fig tree when I was a child: D

yes, he scares me to death every time he does it, but I love seeing him so happy :)

Think about day one..
it's just amazing....
look like outstanding photography....
cool explanation.

thank you, glad you like it :)

Wow really a good photograph.
Forest of UK so beautiful.
Its my first comment here on your blog.

That tree is epic!

Wow your son is a big boy. I sure know that feeling of climbing trees. It give the actual meaning to "being on top of the world"

Yes, he is much bigger than me now lol I am only short (4ft 10" tall) but his dad is very tall (6ft 2") :)

Lol that's cool :)

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