Time travelers must be flexible
I heard my friend Gabe (@gaber) say this once "To travel through space and time you must be flexible" and Every time I do yoga or watch a master Yogi/Yogini do their thing. I am always reminded of that quote. There really is something transcendental about the entire practice of yoga and all of its magical practices. I've really been sinking into my own practice lately and bringing in it's ability to manipulate the space time continuum haha. To express this I went out recently to capture some images of my mast Yogini Friend doing her thing. Enjoy!
I hope you enjoyed these, I had a blast capturing and editing them. Please comment below and let me know what you think!
May all your life be spent BEYOND space and time!
@majes.tytyty Likewise!
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Figure you must be great at yoga in case you're adaptable? Not the situation. With the majority of the curves, contorts and represents that work your body into a human pretzel, yoga is unquestionably a type of activity that stretches you out. Yoga can enhance adaptability, increment scope of movement and simply make you feel longer and less fatty.
@babai1995 definitely a great way to stretch out.
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