Daily Steemit Photo #3 – Running into darkness!

Daily Steemit Photo #3 – Running into darkness!

1/4000th – f1.8 - 800ISO - Camera Olympus EM1 - lens 25mm 1.8

While crossing under a train rail, I saw this guy running towards me.
As I didn’t have time to shoot the photo correctly, so I just shot it from the hip.

In the end, I think it makes for an interesting photo, bit mysterious and it works because of the difference in the bright and dark parts of the photo.

It’s like he is running into the darkness.
The fact that I managed to catch him in mid-air is pure luck!

Follow me at @apprenticeoflife


Nice pictures, following you now :

Glad you enjoyed, hope to see you next post! :)

Fabulous capture m8! Mid air!

wow!nice photo!

Thanks mariossap, glad to hear.

Surreal and very interesting @apprenticeoflife. Upvoted, resteemed & DPS.

A pleasure as always photo-trail!

Perfect timing. Great shot!

Timing and a bit of luck! :)

Great contrast. Oui!

The contrast works well indeed, tnx!

Great pic. Can I ask a question ... why iso 800 when your speed is 1/4000 ... what's the benefit over like iso 100 and a lower speed?

A good question divyne. Well we street photographers usually stay on a higher ISO value to get the highest shutter speed possible.
I usually shoot at Aperture f5.6 or f8 to get more depth of field as I use manual zone focus.

Don't know what happened that my settings were on f1.8, but if I was shooting at f8 I would have a reduction of light times 4x and my shutter speed and would have been 1/250 instead of 1/4000 which for a fast running adult is cutting it close to achieve a sharp result.
Thanks for dropping by!

Thanks for the thorough explanation ... Never had any education in photography still need to learn a lot!

No problem, glad I can help. I learned photography on my own, through experimenting and just going out and having a blast! You will get there my friend!

I'm trying, it's just fun to do, at first I wanted to be really good ... but now I'm a bit older I just want to have fun and learn something!

it is a very perfect luck isn't it? 😃😃

Sometimes luck is on ones side! :)

indeed, but the way you want the result to be is in the talent of the photographer. I think you are talented. i might dont have any idea to shoot thay way. hehe

I had to start somewhere a long time ago, I guess its hard work to become decent at anything. The harder I work, the more lucky I get! ;-)

lol, i am still a newbie and still have to learn a lot of photography. thank you so much, keep on posting, so i can learn from you.

Your very welcome my friend, I intend to post at least once a day! See you around.

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