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RE: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words - IFC S1 R36 entry

in #photography6 years ago

Whoa.. This was awesome to read! I highly agree with mostof what you're saying with your message. First of all, I agree.. Sometimes you need to just rest. Fortunately I've been able to do that a good amount as things can get a bit overwhelming at times. It is super important though and a good reminder as I still often overdo things on a regular basis.

Also all those other things you mentioned like writing and exercise, etc.. I totally agree! I'm trying to find my balance again with some of those things as I've slipped a bit.

Also.. I agree nature is a really important one, a lot of people get too couped up in a lot of these big cities and don't get out enough. Even myself sometimes! Though it feels great to help reconnect people with nature, and over the years I've come to look at it as almost like Shamanistic and medicinal and healing in certain ways to share images of nature with people. But as I mentioned.. Even I need to get outside more! So.. It's a good lesson for many of us I think. These screens and the internet is great, though there's something about being out in the real 3d physical world in nature.. I think there's some thing healing there. It's hard to explain.

I loved your descriptions of the images especially the rainbow lightning one and the dove one. Oh and I really like what you said here! "In a world full of hate, we need to take those moments just stepping back and taking in all of the worlds beauty."

Well said! I highly agree and that's a good message to send.
Thanks again for the awesome entry and for helping my father. :) it's much appreciated.

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