
steemit could be so cool if the whales weren't overwhelmed with crap like this post. Unfortunately, my only tool in the battle to save this platform is commenting and speaking the truth.

Your posts add how much value to steemit also? A photo of dogs in sunglasses must equal more than my travel photography as well as tips and tricks for life, the 4 hours I took to film a video the 3 hours t took to edit and however long to upload. Don't bother replying unless you can give me some CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. Just because it's a girl doesn't mean she can't post. Don't be too jealous x

The dog post was a test. If I had nicer tits, it probably would have received more attention.

Constructive criticism: There are pics of chicks in bikinis and travel blogs ALL OVER THE INTERNET. Steemit had the potential to be a very useful platform but people like yourself have decided to waste bandwidth and post stupid stuff hoping to make a quick buck. Want constructive, post something constructive. No jealousy here at all, just disgust and the hubris at vapidity of my species.

Question is have you read or even looked at any of my other posts? Some of which have taken hours to write and proof read. Before you make judgements how about you take a look.

I just went through your blog. I didn't see a single post that could improve anyone's life or make the world a better place, just vapid, materialist, crap. Sorry if the truth hurts. Please go back to facebook and leave innovation for the innovators.

lol where are your innovated posts at? Don't come over to MY blog and criticise my work. Sorry if the truth hurts, but you're posts and comments mean nothing. Don't like someone hitting back? thats sad.

and check this, even steemit said I can post what I want- theres no rules about that but you.. " Use our Services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect or inhibit other users from fully enjoying our Services, or that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the functioning of our Services in any manner"

Your ignorant posts are interfering with my sanity, disrupting other people from seeing posts with worthwhile content, inhibiting me from enjoying this service, and damaging the reputation of this site which will impair the functioning of the site by attracting more morons such as yourself. So go away. ;)

if you don't like- go? you're commenting on my blog lol you sound so silly right now.

"your" blog is on "our" platform and making it shitty. I'm just calling it like I see it.

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