
foarte frumoase poze da prefer locuri mai însorite... deja m-a luat cu frig :)

Te cred :)))

Nice place and great photography keep posting i really like your posts

Dazzling pictures Even if they're 8 years old. They were well captured

Thanks. I was testing a new camera back then :p

Nice photos especially the one with the sunset! I like the composition in that one. Nice Page! Good Content! Keep going! Check out my Latest post when you get a chance please.🙏🏾 Thanks!

I also want to see the Black sea frozen and to capture such beautiful pictures. I also always wondered if the camera and the lens get broken at such low temeratures.

Well, this photos are for you too 😉
It's true that cameras perform less in low temperatures. The biggest problem it's condensation and you have to be careful not to bring your camera into a warm place to quickly.

Superbe fotografii! Imi amintesc ca am vazut imagini cu marea inghetata, acum catva ani. Nu se intampla foarte des asta.

Da, așa este... Este un fenomen destul de rar, eu am prins in 2006 și 2012. Iernile sunt mai blânde pe litoral în comparație cu restul țării dar
Marea Neagră are o salinitate scăzută de aceea mai înghețată din când în când.

wow amazing photos :) very successful shots. congratulations my friend

Thank you 😊

Check The Daily spotlights of 3 February 2018! You missed one? ----> #dailyspotlights
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there ara a lot of beautiful pictures :) I like your account best wishes

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