
Haha yeah I have never been game to try those kale smoothies, sure they are good for you but not like my super food smoothies.

Check out the health benefits from wheat grass and barley grass.

One teaspoon of each of these a day and it's like eating I think was 3 serves of veggies.
I found it best to ease into them, having smaller doses in my smoothies and gradually increasing while reducing the sweetner used.
once your body starts to realisee how good it is for you, it will change your taste buds so it actually starts tasting better ;)

Sound interesting, I will have to try. I defs like the idea of eating 3 serves of vegies in one teaspoon since I'm not a big eater anyway. I was at Woolies today and I don't think they're stocking my usual protein powder so I'm looking for something new.

hmm yeah not sure if it was 3 servers, but I know if you have the four greens they are really good for you along with other super foods. Wheat grass, Barley grass, Spirulina, Chlorella.
I think one of my smoothies would easily be one serve of veggies.
I have banana flavoured protien, so goes well with my smoothies :)

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