📷🍴💸WTF at Thai Restaurant - 泰餐厅见鱼(by @ace108)

in #photography8 years ago

After spotting dolphins… 见过海豚后。。。

Introduction | 简介

WTF (What The Fish). I had this for dinner when I went SAFRA Punggol.

See my earlier post on some pictures that I took there:
Dolphin TN
📷No whales but dolphins - 没有鲸鱼,但有海豚

Outside the restaurant | 餐厅外

Here’s the entrance to the Siam Thai Tuckshop restaurant where I had dinner.
这里是泰餐厅Siam Thai Tuckshop的入口,我在那里吃晚餐。

Outside the restaurant, in the opposite direction, you can see the Punggol Waterway. A pity you cannot see most of this inside the restaurant.
在餐厅外,反方向,你可以看到榜鹅水道。 可惜在餐厅里大都看不到。



Inside the restaurant | 餐厅里

Nothing fancy on the flooring - just cement.
地板没有什么特别 - 只是水泥。

Still there are some good interior design.

Dinner is served | 上菜了

The fish was steamed in Thai broth and the soup taste similar to tom yam soup though not as spicy. Did you notice the shape of the container?

The kailan vegetables fried with salted fish served steaming hot.

Let me clear the steam away for another picture.

Omelette with onion and tomato.

Portion of the rice was not too little.

Conclusion | 结论

The fish was good but could have more of the broth. The vegetables got the taste from the salted fist. The omelette had enough eggs in it. The meal was more expensive than the previous Thai food I had mainly because of the fish. Here is post on the previous Thai food:
蒸鱼是好吃的,但有更多的汤会好点。 芥蓝加了咸鱼也好味。 煎蛋有足够的鸡蛋。 这泰餐比我之前吃过的泰餐贵主要因为那条蒸鱼。这帖就是之前吃过的泰餐:
🍴📷Thai food at Mooks Thai Bistro | 泰国餐-Mooks Thai Bistro

Contest Time | 赢奖时间

I had a 10% discount for the meal and two of us had only one serving of rice. Guess the total price paid in Singapore Dollars after discount for this dinner for two. Contest close after first payout. Winner will be the one who guess exact total price down to the cents and will get prize of 0.68 STEEM. If there are more than on winners, 0.68 STEEM will be divided among the winners. If there are no guess matching the exact total prize, the winner will be one who gives the closest total prize but the prize will be 0.6 STEEM instead of 0.68 STEEM. Similarly, if more than one guess with closest total prize, the prize of 0.6 STEEM will be divided among them.
这晚餐有10%的折扣,我们两个人只有一碗饭。 猜猜在这个晚餐折扣后的总花费(新加坡元)。 游戏在第一次支(First Payout)付后截止。 赢家将是提交正确切的总花费。0.68 STEEM的奖将会送给赢家。 如果有多于一位获胜者,0.68 STEEM将平均分配给获奖者。 如果没有猜测正确的总花费,那么获胜者将是给出最接近的总话费的人,但奖金将是0.6 STEEM而不是0.68 STEEM。 类似地,如果具有最接近的总奖金的多于一个的猜测,则0.6个STEEM的奖将平均分配给获奖者。
#photography #food #contest #singapore #cn



Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108



great post and pictures - what is the fish?
price for meal $139.27singapore dollar to the USA Dollar ($100 .72usd)- no drinks

The fish is a seabass.
Yes, there was no drinks. Thanks for guessing $139.27 (Highest guess so far)
Watch for result after payout.

Wow that some big fish! bet it tasted beautiful. One of my favourite fish, all though I've never had it served like that before.

It's delicious. Actually, if the fish is fresh, steaming is the best way to cook.

$45.00 SingDollar for the Total

Thanks for guessing $45 (lowest guess so far)
Watch for result after payout.

$63.20 is my guess

Thanks for guessing $63.20.
Watch for result after payout.

You pay U $ S 128.35 cents. great post as usual congratulations

Thanks for guessing $128.35.
Watch for result after payout.

@ace - I love Thai Food!
hmmm.. S$35.00? Singaporean dollar?

Thanks for guessing $35.00.
Watch for result after payout.

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