My Full Moon Psy-Transe Party at the Pano-Rama Festival on my island of La Gomera !

in #photography-trail7 years ago (edited)


Full Moon By Alice Oswald

Good God!
What did I dream last night?
I dreamt I was the moon.
I woke and found myself still asleep.

It was like this: my face misted up from inside
And I came and went at will through a little peephole.
I had no voice, no mouth, nothing to express my trouble,
except my shadows leaning downhill, not quite parallel.

Something needs to be said to describe my moonlight.
Almost frost but softer, almost ash but wholer.
Made almost of water, which has strictly speaking
No feature, but a kind of counter-light, call it insight.

Like in woods, when they jostle their hooded shapes,
Their heads congealed together, having murdered each other,
There are moon-beings, sound-beings, such as deer and half-deer
Passing through there, whose eyes can pierce through things.

I was like that: visible invisible visible invisible.
There's no material as variable as moonlight.
I was climbing, clinging to the underneath of my bones, thinking:
Good God! Who have I been last night?


So just twice a year, at Spring and Winter equinox full moon, me and my friends of Fun meet up beneath our mystical Tree of Spirits ! To listen and move our souls to a place where seldom others reach. the great initiation to mind, body and soul.


All wrapped in dark and deep beats that give us the wings to fly !

If one day you plan on visiting my island of La Gomera in the Canaries, , you should check out the Pan-O-Rama Website to see if you too, can join us benaeth our Magical Tree I An experience I am sure you are not likely to forget !

link coming shortly )

As the sun sets to the west the People anticipate the night to come and the dying embers of this natural fire will soon be replaced by the fantorgasmic colours of beamers and light shows of all colours and kinds!





So Let the Music Begin !

All the Fun of our Pyschedelic Shack !

And the next day when all the dust of the night before has settled and gone, everybody enjoys the veiw of the great Atlantic Ocean that is a shimmering blue carpet beneath this New days sun. While comfortably seated beneath the beautiful and wise branches of our Magical Tree of Dreams !




Pan-O-Rama is a place of music of fantasy and reflection on the Universe, we have even erected a shrine to these principles !


So if you happen to be around my neck of the woods and you,d like to party with us under the full moon beneath our tree up on the hill ? You are, I assure you, more than welcome !


@gomeravibz hi there
am glad you're posting again and those are really nice pics!
It's pretty sunny there!
Share the sunshine here? ^ ^
The music you have on the vids .. did you play them yourself? I remember you play guitar back then for the open mic you should join that again it's still on going I believe speaking of which you just reminded me of my old baby I gotta go pay the new mom a visit .. anyhow.. hello out there!

Ah nice to have your comment as always !! Thanks @englishtchrivy ) Yes the sunshine is as ever here and its a great place to be and live. Feeling very happy right now about my choice of home as I am a Lucky Boy !!
So its good to see this post reward slowly edge up over the new 7 day voting period ! Whereas before my posts rewards after 24 hours did not evolve at all !! I am still playing alot of guitar but have not posted to the contest since awhile i know !! Shall climb back on that horse soon !! When you talk about the music on the vids ,do you mean the vids here?? This was the DJ mixes actually !! Hello to you too )) Steem On !!

yes the vids here ...
keep posting man ..
and join that Open Mic - sing :D?

Ah right !! Well no not me )) that was the Dj mixes playing at the time of filming !! But thats a sweet compliment you make thinking that this mean beat could have been me !! So i shall keep posting, did you see this post at all ? well as for the singing could be someday soon i shall do that concerning the open mic !! Lets Steem On to the other side )

hey thanks very much @steemitqa ) glad you like my post and photos, was a `retty intense time i can tell you ) steem On !

This looks like a lot of fun :D

well yes it was alot of fun @sauravrungta ! Too bad you could not make it ) Maybe next year ?

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