
I like how you went just above 6400. I am going to follow you on this one.

Hehe, I see what you did there.

YES!!! the perfect guess for me to BACK!!
The other photostars backed guesses of 800,1600,3200,6400

So this means anything higher and I win the point. I wasn't gonna win those other ones and I don't think it's under 800!!

Thanks... you made my day!

CONGRATS! You won the Photo Star point by backing the closest guess - I actually shot this all the way up at ISO 51200! You owe @shadalene a drink! ;)

Oh I see what you mean lol... slow day for me. Will you buy me a drink if you win? ;P

yeah for sure OJ on me!

Well, you didn't win the prize, because @conradsuperb guessed the correct answer, but apparently you DID win a drink from @jarvie, and that's just as good, right?

Haha, you did your calculations right, @jarvie!
Maybe I did mine too, hehe..
That ISO, though !!!

Figured I'd go to one extreme or the other. :)

I don't even know the max ISO on my camera lol, let alone use it.. It must be so fun to know all the details and experiment! Well this was a crushing success. A rare case when taking things to an extreme yields good results..

I just turn the dial until it stops, lol. But I only use it to make faster photos at night, when I need a quick preview of the composition and don't want to wait 30 seconds. I figured I'd process one of those preview files to mess with y'all. ;)

Well you tricked all but one, yet that one won big, haha!

You're welcome, lol! Left to see if it's a win or not though.. :P

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