MY "STYLE" and FINDING YOUR "PHOTOGRAPHIC VOICE" - In connection with @photogames new game

in #photogames6 years ago

I will also wax eloquent about finding your photographic style by showing off mine

Today the main game is happening on @photogames, but I have my own little game that we can play which will assist you in playing “Who Took It Wednesday”

Who Took It Wednesday
This picture was taken 12 years ago and I like to think I have a similar style then and now. However partly because I've re-edited since then and imprinted it anew.

The game over on @photogames is to match the images with the Photostars who took them. This requires you to get a feel for all of our looks/styles. Some of the other Photostars are doing posts like mine, so go to their accounts to see if they have one, or just look through their images and see if there are any hints.


The prize pool for the main game is 6 Steem

The Who Took It Wednesday post on @photogames is here

Who Took It Wednesday
For years I've been known wedding photographer because that's how i've made my living then and now. I like to think my landscapes are similar to my portrait work


This game should help prepare you for the main game.
Take a look at the pictures in this post and write a 1-2 sentence description of “MY STYLE”
I'll do some votes and maybe even a little prize if there's a description that I'm in love with. Ok in fact I will indeed send some STEEM someone's way for a really good description I feel drawn to. Then I'll use it the next time someone asks for a Bio. haha

How much of a prize? I say let me decide that when you post and you never know maybe my pockets are feeling even more loose after you schmooze me a bit. So be happy I'm not stating it now.


Me and most photographers always learn and grow and dabble with different looks trying to find what resonates with us the most. A look that shares what is in our heart. Some people take a long time and keep changing. Sometimes constant change is what they want to be known for, that is their style to never get pegged down as they would call it. But even if the look of the picture seems to change they may be surprised to not that there is usually going to still be a theme or a signature in their pictures that lasts. Something that makes it their art and their voice... and it's not always a color set or a style of edit. I think as a person works to experiment and find their voice they can start to see patterns in other people's work. I'd like to think that you can reverse that process as well... Perhaps if you're able to play this game and go to our posts and get a feel for the styles it will in turn help you to internalize a bit more what your own style may be. However this game isn't as straight forward since some people are trying to trick you. So you have to look for more clues. But still the exercise is legit. Do you have a style?

I challenge you all to do a post like this, share this post and then link your post here in the comments I'll go over to your post and try to come up with my own description and maybe that will help as you're still figuring out your style. Maybe ask a few questions and then see if I can be of an assistance.

Who Took It Wednesday
Making the best of any situation I'm in, any weather and not just dealing with weather or light but showing off that weather and light in the "best light"

Personality, Fun, Vibrant, Contrast, Real, Unscripted, Colorful, Candid.
I know which compliment resonates with me the most... but I kinda don't want to lead the jury. We shall see what you come up with.

I'll share my favorite and my own way


Who Took It Wednesday
We associate styles with the types of pictures that are taken. I do weddings.

Who Took It Wednesday
But you see a beautiful toyota tacoma shot on your feed and it's likely to be mine.

Who Took It Wednesday
and i'm more than happy to be associated with pictures of beautiful friends

Who Took It Wednesday
Certainly bright colors that are just on the border of real life and magical. But you still inside always know "Jarvie doesn't even own photoshop"... If I did I'd probably replace my boring skies more often.

Who Took It Wednesday
The color pallette isn't always the same it changes to show off the mood and personalty of a place.

Who Took It Wednesday
Sometimes you wonder if that's real life... but this really was how it was that morning... at least the way my eyes/my mind/ my heart saw it. Seriously the most beautiful sunrise i've ever seen.

Who Took It Wednesday
I bring that color and life into the mundane... even cows slobbering on a fence, just like any day of the week.

Who Took It Wednesday
But don't be surprised to see a B&W, it's rare but I would like to think my fingerprint can be seen all over this. Do you get the feel for what's going on here?

Who Took It Wednesday
I like to think my friends use my pictures in all their publicity stuff even old ones that are like 5 years old because there's something about it that describes how they want to be seen. Or it's fun and playful and doesn't take itself too serious

Optional Text
Even if the shot is of me... I should be able to stamp MY LOOK into the edit.

Who Took It Wednesday
And finally you'll mostly see me doing a TON of panoramas these days!

Optional Text


Introduction to The Photo Games Post.

Want to be a “Photo Star”? …read this post!


@jarvie, I really like your photos. All of them are wonderful but I especially enjoyed the third one with the stairs and the city light. Makes me wonder where that is :)

I believe that great composition matters but can't call it art if there's no voice (feeling) to it :)

It's in hawaii ... it's a place they tend to call Stairway to Heaven. But it has a more Hawaiin traditional name as well.

ohhhhh cool! thanks for the info. I really appreciate it! One day... I hope I can go there and take a photo myself hehe

So here's my short schmoozing poem:
vivid and vibrant,
solid and saturated,
cheerful and confident,
full of life and fun.

English is not my native language, so forgive any errors there ;), I only do a little schmooze to head to the guessing game. =)

I think you're a master of many talents with landscapes that are rocky and mountainous to beautiful reflection scenes, you find the extraordinary in the ordinary but when photographing people, you really capture the essence of their souls, their personalities and I really love your candid shots, those special moments of true feelings and emotion.

you are just sucking the most colour out of a situation ;)

There are so many photographic genres that it even becomes confusing trying to fit into one. It's not like music that depending on what instruments or beat you know what goes where. I know I've had a hard time finding my place in the photographic world.

Superb photos! That wedding one is the best ever wedding shot!!

Thanks it was for sure one of my favorites for years! Still is one of my favorite wedding pictures.

Sometimes with the right bride at the right time in the right situations things just work magically

I can't tell you how much I like it! That photo belongs somewhere in a prominent place, not sure where though.. It looks like a piece that belongs in a museum to me. Maybe it reminds me of a painting.. Incredible shot.

Also, would you be interested in judging a nature contest next week? Need someone for Trees Tuesday or Flora and Fauna Friday. Any of these fancy you? :)

yeah message me on FB and let me know what's up

Wow, stunning work man, great to see your portfolio laid out like this and a really nice take on it with the finding your style part. Seriously impressive stuff, that Milky Way pano is just spectacular!

Nice to to see some of your work and get to know you a little over this past month. Some beautiful saturated shots. I would to see your take on the PNW !

Funny enough I don't use the saturation slider when I edit and if I do it's to "de-saturate". So i tend to use the word Vibrant because that's the slider I use. hahaha
And contrast levels and the vivid nikon profile seem to take care of the rest.

Hopefully we can go 4WD ing together one day.


We're doing a big 3 day offroad adventure into the heart of the canyonlands needles district in a couple weeks. join us

I wish ;-) . I will be doing a US road trip at some time in the next few years however.

4WDing is in our blood as this is how we learn to drive in Australia.

Holy cow!!

This is another good crossing. Most countries build bridges. Excuse the language but it is Australia ;-)

I think one of the biggest things I notice about your photos are the colors. Always very vivid and lively, and there is a general hue that stays similar through most of your photos. The yellows, oranges, red and blues are always indicative of your photos I think. Also, more recently, the panoramas are indicative of your style as well :) Usually, your balance of light is exceptional, especially noted in cases where you're shooting those temples/churches at night/evening without looking too edited.

Yep that sounds about right!
I like to think the color set is pretty consistent in typical scenes.
And as far as editing goes pretty much all I actually spend time on is dodge and burn to play with lighting levels etc. So that sounds about right.

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