Steemit Photo Journal #6

in #photofriend6 years ago

Hello my dear steeming photo lovers!

Welcome to the next issue of the Steemit Photo Journal!

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everybody already supporting @photofriend! Without your help, engagement and support this project would be pointless!
I am very interested in your critical opinion and I will gladly listen to any suggestion on how to improve this journal. I am also open to new topics and I would like to add some in the future, so please, do engage and leave comments.

@photofriend - Supporting original photography on Steemit and fight against plagiarism. [Read my intro.]

Table of Contents

  • Minnow Support (#photofriend)
  • Browsing the Community (@fotogruppemunich)
  • Famous Photographer (Walker Evans)
  • Must-watch (Pecker)


Minnow Support - #photofriend

The second week of THE HASHTAG RACE is over! Read THE HASHTAG RACE! #photofriend's weekly update - announcing the winners of round 2! to support the winners.

If THE HASHTAG RACE is new for you, read Introducing #photofriend. The hashtag race! for more detailed information about rules and rewards.

As promised, here are the three best posts of #photofriend for last week:

Colors of Praia do Amado by @dmytrokorol


VIEW OF MY SCHOOL GATE by @stevenson7


Underwater stories. - Podwodne opowieści. #1 by @jarosalawszafran


If you wish to support the curating of high quality posts, consider delegating some of your steem power to @photofriend. I am also open to regular weekly payouts from my side. In case of an interest, share your proposals in the comment section below.

Browsing the Community - @fotogruppemunich

Fotogruppemunich (52) consists of two photogrraphers, Maik and Marko. They both have different areas of focus but compliment each other quite well. I will present you a couple of their photographs and I strongly encourage you to check their work out for yourself. Their interpretation of Munich (not only) is amazing!

These photographs are HIS original work and I have absolutely nothing to do with them.







These photographs are HIS original work and I have absolutely nothing to do with them.

Famous Photographer - Walker Evans

Walker Evans (November 3, 1903 – April 10, 1975) was an American photographer and photojournalist. His unique ability to visualize a moment as though it was already in the past, capturing the raw emotions of his subjects and turning it into a poetic portrayal of the world around him, allowed him to become one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Best known for his work for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) documenting the effects of the Great Depression.

“When I first made photographs, they were too plain to be considered art and I wasn’t considered an artist. I didn’t get any attention at all. The people who looked at my work thought, well, that’s just a snapshot of the backyard. Privately I knew otherwise and through stubbornness stayed with it…” – Walker Evans


Image may be subject to copyright [source]

Must-watch - Pecker (1998)

Drama/Comedy ‧ 1h 27m
Release Date: October 9, 1998 (Canada) / Director: John Waters
A teenage boy, obsessed with photographing everything he sees around him, is seized upon by an aggressive gallery owner from New York who views the youngster as fresh young talent worth entertaining, but as his success and fame grows, the boy finds himself less welcome in his home town and decides to turn the tables on the elitist art snobs of the city.
A great movie with an indie feel that is heightened by the artistic genius of John Waters behind the camera.


Image may be subject to copyright [source]

Check my other articles:

THE HASHTAG RACE! #photofriend's weekly update - announcing the winners of round 2!

Photofriend's Favorites #7

Photofriend's Favorites #6

Thank you for reading and for your kind support! Fell free to upvote / follow / resteem.


Supporting original photography on Steemit and fight against plagiarism.


Thank you very much photofriend for featuring me, am honoured. The photos of fotogruppemunich are stunning, am overwhelmed

Thank you for your support!!!

Thank you for featuring my work!

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