Out of the Sun

in #photofeed6 years ago

Periodically @aweber and I meet before dawn and take pictures together as the sun rises. We haven't been good about doing it recently, so I'm posting this picture as motivation for me to do it more often!

I hate getting out of bed before it's light outside, but once I'm dressed and have a little coffee in me it can be a quite enjoyable experience! I've seen thousands of sunsets in my life, but I haven't seen nearly as many sunrises, so it's always a treat to watch one happen.

This picture was taken at Antrim Lake in Columbus, OH. We were enjoying a colorful sunrise when this small plane emerged and flew towards us and I was able to snap a picture of it before it was gone.


If you're the sort of person who gets up and watches sunrises, how do you motivate yourself to get put of bed?


Love this shot. Best one of the morning for sure

Thanks! I also really like that one you took of me from above.

What you need is a dog that makes you get up and take him for early morning walks. Its tough for me to crawl out of bed without him bugging me otherwise.
I catch a few good photos every now and then in the mornings walking with Louie down towards a lake at the end of our street.

Oooh that's a good idea! Definitely a good source of motivation. Thanks for sharing!

thats one great shot you took... looking forward to alarming myself to wake up by sunrise to catch a sunrise shot.
Hope i too will get lucky to take a shot of something moving towards me at that time. most probably something falling from the sky

Thanks! It's definitely worth doing. Haha hope nothing falls on you!

I struggle to get out of bed. Much easier for me to be up at 1am shoot Aurora than sunrise. But you just have to do it some times; especially if you have hiked a long way into somewhere to get the shot. Having a good thermos cup with some coffee helps; or even a little burner to make some tea while your out there.

This is nice that the prop is frozen; must have been a high shutter speed.

Totally agreed, so much easier to just stay awake at night than to get up early in the morning. A hot drink is definitely so helpful, that's a good call! I always know it's going to be worth getting out of bed, but I'm just so bad at making my body do what my mind says it should haha.

It was 1/3200, so you're correct haha!

I have SUCH a hard time getting out of bed for sunrise... maybe because of two lazy dogs on my bed! :D
Awesome shot! Would look stunning printed on metallic paper!

Agreed! Haha being super cozy definitely doesn't help anything. Maybe I just need to rig a system where a bucket of cold water gets dumped on me when I'm supposed to get up, that should do the trick haha!

great shot! cheers!

I lie down wanting to see and live the next day that is the greatest motivation, excellent photo

wow high level skill:)

love to play with colours

Nicely captured! That must have really been a beautiful morning.

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