[Dream / Short Story] Rocketman & The Orange Blitz

in #photofeed6 years ago (edited)

Hello Friends,

Today I bring you a nice sunset by my job. The sky and the trail made me think of an old memory......a lucid dream from a long time ago. It all feels like yesterday. I hope you enjoy the photo and dream experience below.

Rocektma and the Orange Blitz.jpg
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

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I feel the air on my skin.

My vision blurs like I'm waking from a dream.

It's like I'm waking from a dream.

A dream of the Other World.

I don't always remember how I get here, but I know I must help.

My clothes are torn and my helmet is cracked.

This thing on my back.

This metal contraption of science & magic.

My invention. It worked!

But this is not that World.

I never completed building my flying machine.

I'm........falling from the sky.

No....I'm Flying!!! I'm wearing the machine!

.............I'm Dreaming!

I feel a sharp pain in my back as the right turbine explodes.

If I'm dreaming why do I feel pain here.

This scares me.

This excites me.

Now I remember the rules of this dystopian dreamland.

It's rarely easy when I become aware in this Dream World.

I will Fly. I always say to myself.

This is my intent.

This means Freedom to me.

This is my Earthly Tether in this Dream World.

I am the Man who Dreams he can Fly.

The Shaman who whispered to the world.

Here I am just a Rocketman.

Another man banned from the sky.

They sure don't like it when I fly.

I focus and compensate my flight angle so I'm somewhat level.

I see a village ahead coming up, but there's villainous Shades as well.

I never see the true forms of those that suppress my flight in every form.

I remember that I do not always survive these dreams.

I've died. Many times. Many ways.

I'm resolved with death in this world.

There is never a promise to go back to the Waking World.

Still, if I am the Dreamer of this World I must save it.

I must save myself.

My vision blurs and my breath becomes harder to grasp.

My back burns and my side feels like I've been shot.

I blackout.

Somehow, I survived the landing.

It seems my flying machine from my back braced my fall with it's emergency system.

As I try to stand the machine parts fall off me along with torn pieces of my uniform.

I see and move at the speed of the wind destroying 2 of the 5 shades easily.

The Shades begin to play with my mind. I become confused, experience Vertigo, and more.

My adrenaline should have spiked by now. I should have been back in the Waking World by now.

My wounds from the sky explosion and landing still hurts.

The third Shade grabs me and punches my injuries repeatedly.

Why does this hurt?

This shouldn't hurt. I've been here to long. This isn't right.

I've taken to much damage. If I continue I'll die or be trapped here again.

I headbutt the Shade and kick it into the spreading fire behind us.

I can't fight the fire and escape these Shades.


Save this village. Save the world. Save yourself.

My body feels propelled towards the remaining Shades away from the fire.

Flying! My body is flying, but I remember this won't last.

This will attract more of them and I won't win if I don't remember more.

As I fly I grab a piece of wooden debris and spear through both the remaining Shadow foe.

Tired and weary I stand before the people. awaiting judgment for my actions.

As my vision blurs and my legs begin to collapse from weariness my flying machine starts reassembling itself upon my back.

My wounds are slowly healing as I'm lifted back towards the sky from the village.

Joy and Sadness wash over the people.

I don't feel like I achieved anything here.

I'm just a man who fell from the sky.

Still, they will remember, as will I, of the Man who Dreams he can Fly.

****Based an actual Lucid Dream

Much Love, my friends. I hope you enjoyed.


(C) NWJordan. All Rights Reserved.

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Name: Na'Shawn Jordan
Alias: Nation
Age: 28
Location: New Jersey, USA
Specialty: Art & Design, UxD, Photography, Music, Gaming, & Emerging Technologies
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