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RE: Macro Photography - Turtles All The Way Down

in #photofeed6 years ago

Thanks, Gillian. I was delighted to find him. A few months later I returned and his shell had fallen off, bless him!

I do understand the 'turtles all the way down' story, although it's one of those weird, timeless, multi-dimensional parables that have the capacity to morph meanings depending on the head and heart space I'm in when I reflect upon it. Currently, it speaks to me of the frustration which can occur when attempting to describe the indescribable, and the futility of attempting to do so - one frequently ties oneself up in knots or backs oneself into a corner whilst simultaneously realising the ridiculousness of trying to explain the inexplicable! It's also a pointer towards the exponential way in which answers generate more questions in the inquiring mind, and the difficulty faced when endeavouring to help people with their busy, always-inquisitve minds. I could probably sit here and reel off several more 'meanings', but I'll stop before I prove the point exactly with my ramblings! 😂


I think you have hit the nail on the head with your explanation of the 'turtles all the way down' story @jaytaylor

It certainly does feel like "attempting to describe the indescribable".

I've always focused on the punch line i.e. 'it's turtles all the way down', but reading your explanation makes me think that see the story as a whole is more useful. The questioning and answering aspect. I haven't considered it from that point of view before. But the I think I've only heard it spoken with just the punch line so reading the full story gives it a different context. And like, you I feel, I'm beginning to ramble now so I'll stop too 😂

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