
Well, I don't believe you think that way because I've seen your images and they are not that pesimistic ;)

: ) No I don't... I have tried my best to pull away from society as it was really starting to do my head in. I can't tell you the last time I watched the news. Although I also don't believe half (probably more) of what they say as I believe the industry is just full of corruption (like many other industries). I turned my mobile phone off 2 years ago and have never looked back, love the feeling of freedom! Before starting on steemit I was heavily reducing my time spent on Facebook and have spent the last 5 months deleting a lot of my older posts as they now come up as memories. I don't want it there anymore and I pretty well much feel done with it. I prefer to focus on the good, to make my own choices and do the best I can in all aspects of my life.

While one could say steemit is another social media platform, none of my personal friends are on here or anyone else I know and I kinda like it like that. The one thing I have noticed is how nice, warm and "real" the people are that I have found to associate myself with. It has only been positive so far, I'm really enjoying it! : )

That's what I like the most about Steemit so far... No one I know in real life is here :)

Not that there is anything wrong with the people in my life... well maybe a couple of them... but it's different to say facebook where it is everyone you know, or should know. : )

I can for sure relate to this image, (not in the same way of what this image represents) but in my own personal way... I think this image could reach out to many and hit a chord. Gabbyoraa is undoubtedly a talented woman... and while her messages, photos and missions are powerful, strong and brave (I take my hat off), I think so many of us could relate to images such as these in our own personal lives. While I can relate personally, the true story behind the image just makes you count your blessings all the more!!

Wow, I have no words. Thank you for all the compliments. And I agree with all you have said in so many levels. It's been hard years for the entire world. Sometimes I wonder though, are we getting worst or is it just that now we know more what happens? Do you get what I mean? Maybe everything was as bad before but since there was no internet and people with cellphones we just didn't find out. Or you could see it in a deeper level. I would like to think that there are more conscious people, waking up and noticing the truth. Like a old room full of dirt that you install a lightbulb. You now turn on the light and see all the dirt. It's not that it's dirtier, it's just that now thanks to the light you see it.

I've always felt that everything we do has to have an impact on any level, at least it's what I try to obtain with my photos. Specially the ones from the protest. During those months last year, I used my instagram to pass on my message of tolerance and empathy. We had these guys risking their lives and then you'd find people posting photos of parties at the same time and on the other hand, you had the group of people complaining that this form of protest didn't work so you would just have a constant negative feedback from people that are suppose to be on the same side. Honestly I think it's the reason why we didn't succeed in the protests last year. So to make it short. Let's do things to make this world a better place. Even if its a photo, or just a post on steemit!

Oh you are so welcome and so deserving!! To answer your question about are things getting worse or are we just better informed... I think both. For sure mobile technology has brought everything to our attention, whether we need to know about it or not but if I look back 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago... the world has changed greatly I think. People have changed, values have changed, there's so many more pressures but people are also a lot more expectant. Manners, good behavior and respect have been lost somewhere along the way. Not in all cases of course and I don't have to travel the world to see that, I can see that in my our community, my own city and it's so disheartening.

Truth is one of those things isn't it... I have found from my experience if it is too hard to swallow it's easier to just call it false. Or shrug it off and ignore the facts or for what feels like the minority, stand up and listen. That usually requires change though and people don't do well with change. While I would rather know the truth, it is at times a burden as you can't unknow something. It's what you do with that information that defines you though. I love the term "waking up"... it just never seems to happen fast enough though does it.

I think good people with good hearts will do good deeds!

Oh... and it's not just a photo on steemit... an action had to take place for a photo to be taken : ) You're sharing your knowledge, knowledge is power and power is great if it is in the right hands!

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