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RE: Visions for New Artwork. Series 1. Original Art. Original Photography.

in #photofeed7 years ago

just be in the receptive mode of my soul by doing what makes me feel good NOW, and eventually it will lead me to another activity that makes me feel great NOW, and so on....

well that's my process when I feel a bit lost about what should I do now ? (painting ? drawing ? which materials, tools, theme ?) and then I realize there is nothing I should do,
instead, the path is unfolding at each moment and there is no right or wrong, there is only what I'm feeling and my choice to feel my question then evolve and becomes what would make me feel great just now ?

I Love your Nature collages, you are outdoing yourself in them, it's your unique style ;-)
I'm eager to see your drawings but I think you don't have to force anything if it is not the right have to feel it and let it flow ^_^


That is such beautiful advice Barbara. I too feel my way and wait for that impulse that says... it is time in this moment of now. Ideas can loom around in the head for ages and then, it all comes together in the heart.

Exactly ! and when we sort of force them, it is not satisfying and frustrating ...
When there is good momentum, things are falling in place in a cool and easy way ^_^

I know the truth of this too @sunscape.

Often ideas come while I'm drawing, for extending that particular drawing or for another drawing again.

From my 'doodles' in pastel, so far I've learnt that my 'creative muse' loves the way colours can blend together with pastel and that different papers are better for blending than others.

That pastels on sandpapered and textured papers, made specifically for pastel are best left unblended, so that the background is left to show through. Apparently, this allows the light of the pigments to be reflected.

Whereas pastels on smooth drawing papers will blend with smudging ~ But then they'll need fixative. More about ideas coming from the heart in my next answer to you. 🦋


Wonderful suggestions Barbara.

I'm wary of all the shoulds that constantly vie for my attention and know that it really is up to me to select the medium that I love ~ At any particular time.

I do love working with natural materials and letting what I've always called, my 'creative muse' play and arrange them so that THEY are happy. I get a feeling for where particular fragments want to go. Who they want to be with or if they want to be left alone. And when they are in the 'right place' I have a sense that they are smiling.

And I love drawing ~ Once I'm in the middle of a drawing the feeling is magnetic. I know, you know this feeling when you are in the middle of drawing and painting.

I loved charcoal when I was at art school. And although I don't have a lot of experience with pastels, there is something about the softness of pastel that I love ~ Images of those foggy, blurred and muted horizons with just a little suggestion of detail really attract me.

You are so right about not forcing myself to draw because if it is to be, there will be a right moment to begin.

I've started with pastels ~ Just smudging and drawing the infinity symbol with different cloured lines, yellow and purple till it turned VERY muddy. I've been looking at a few videos just to see how different people work with pastel. Some artists smudge and blend while others lay colour side by side. Trying both methods.

Thank YOU so much Barbara.


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