
March 25 - 31?

Have you noticed? It's become a simultaneous chess game. A player drew up to the board. It's his board after all.

Rethink: wrong metaphor, wrong way around. We need a game that has one board and many players at the same game. What am I thinking of? There are plenty of such games withing Waldorf Education (competition discouraged, cooperation encouraged).

It's come to me: Steemit!

No, No, not that far back. Counting from now.

Doesn't it just indicate in the list "day 13"? Scroll and find surely?
I didn't mean count, I just meant not look at titles with 13.

Screenshot from 2019-08-11 09-58-20.png

No titles with 13, so that includes all of them. This is what I see, no indication of 13 anywhere.

Too cute: 13 bookmarks, and all neatly spelled out.
So I have completely become a hoarder with 75 visible ones and then a bookmarks toolbar. My son was already worried about me. Although more so regards the pinned programmes along the bottom. He finds it no end of clutter - because he doesn't understand my need for these silly apps (I'll spare you the state of his room, not even to refer to his desktop) How else to ever find them back again without sticking them somewhere in view? (Yes, open windows search thingy, type the first letters.... But something in me refuses to let them search for me if I can just as easily reach for the tool required myself). Besides, it's decorative. Or symptomatic of horror vacui.
I also like the yin and yang going on for our Blog menus. It must be something complementary we are doing: yin is normally black, yang white. Almost didn't recognise where you were looking.
It's not complicated. But I kind of like that you are making it so. Take your time, by all means.

Ok. Help is on the way.

Where the large music note is pointing too.... must figure out how to draw on the screen without opening PS again. Or doing tricky things in Word.
The time one wastes here when one could have already sent a stamped letter!

Cripes time flies: it's by now already day 14, slow coach.

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