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RE: Diaries of an addict #6 - Wasn't fun

Isn't "chess" a metaphor? am I already in the game?

I rather watch your moves carefully for a while, before engaging in this mysterious game of yours. lol


Chess most certainly is a metaphor.
And I believe also a figurative picture for how to travel through life. In that sense for O and I it is not so much a game, but an experiment in how connections can be made without using all our senses (only sight really!).
In that sense, dear one, you are already involved because Steemit is so interconnective (in theory). We very much appreciate your presence in our midst, as it were. It lends a sense of normality in this crazy place of Steemit.

O. is concerned that a lot of not so good developments are happening on the wallet side. When the big fish become restless he usually gets hurt (in the wallet department). He has invested to help people like us make the blogs we like to make, so he needs to think about his next move.

I don't know how important the financial "game" for you here is. Not for me, but it means it doesn't attract many new people.

How do you find the social interaction and general vibe around here at the moment? What will determine for you if you will stay, or go?

We will keep you posted of our activity. I won't go before saying good bye. Join in as much as you like. You are very welcome.

It lends a sense of normality in this crazy place of Steemit.

Does it mean I'm normal?

That is very nice of him. That question never gets old, "what's next?"

I hoped someday it would become important to me, but now it doesn't looks like something I should hope for. When I started, I wanted this to become a serious income for me, but it's not going that way now. about 300$ per month is a good income for me, so I was trying to make it happen online by posting here, selling photos, but nothing really happened.

How do you find the social interaction and general vibe around here at the moment? What will determine for you if you will stay, or go?

Not as good as a year ago, but still not bad. I've been here more than a year, so I guess I'll stay till the end, but my activity might change drastically based on many different thing, mostly my own mental state.

Could we also say goodbye before leaving this world?

Does it mean I'm normal?

Normal is as normal does. I think you bring a special quality to the table. Your words echo till I understand them fully. You keep me musing about all our spirits here and how they would love for all us here to mingle happily in a family of brothers and sisters without money troubles.

Your spirit is very bright. I know how this can make the soul feel extra dark sometimes. This creates the Dark Night of the Soul every Lover of the Beloved must go through.

Know my thoughts are with you while you travel (they were also when I was not here: some people, it is only normal, you simply remember fondly).

I am not gone yet, but I am not sure what your closing sentence means, is it a (highly philosophical/metaphysical) rhetorical question or a request? To both I could answer affirmatively if with different explanations.

Will wait patiently till you are in the mood for your next post.

Usually I don't try to be normal (or special) but in a sense, I think I'm too normal, unlike everybody else, so I'm special. (Is this world based on paradoxes or my point of view is still not correct?)

It feels good to hear these nice words from you, it makes me happy, sometimes it encourages me but it also makes me sad after all that, because I know I should leave them behind and go further.

Fortunately (or unfortunately?) we still live, but unlike steemit, which you can plan to leave at a specific time, and even come back later, this world is unpredictable and there's no way to plan your exit (and worse, many are afraid of even talking about leaving it).

Honestly I didn't wanted to go that deep when I asked the question, but leaving steemit reminded me of our own death and nearly all the time happens without saying goodbye.

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