Day Verses Night Photography

in #photocircle6 years ago (edited)

There are certain things in life that are undebatable. Home made food is better than fast food (unless you’re my sister in law that shall remain nameless). Humans aren’t the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. If you think we’re alone - you’d be foolish! The Yankees are the best team in any professional sports (if we’re going by the number of championships) and night photography is better than shooting in the day!

I’m often asked why I prefer shooting during the night verses the day and here are 5 reasons:


It’s said “the proof is in the pudding”. I don’t think I need to explain why, I’ll just show you Exhibit A:


I don’t want to say that it’s “harder” but I will say it takes more work. Mainly due to the fact that you have to use a tripod. This makes you really think through how you’re going to compose the image as it’s a process to open up the tripod and mount the camera. If it’s not to your liking you’re going to have to re-do your composition and mess around with the tripod again to get it right.

And speaking of tripods - I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a $5,000 lens and camera combination being used on a $100 tripod. If you’re wondering how much a “good” tripod is, you’re looking at around $400. But at that price it’s going to be pretty heavy and you may not want to carry it around. For a great tripod you’re looking at around $1,000 (just for the legs lol). But great tripods are made out of carbon fiber, are lighter and absorb vibration. It’a a very painful purchase but if you take care of it, it’ll last you easily over 15 years. Heck it may even become a family heirloom.

Plus if you like to travel a lot and want to be in your vacation photos - take a tripod with you!


This could have been lumped in with the previous point but anyone can take a decent photo with a cellphone as long as there is enough light.But getting a night shot worthy of printing large and hanging on a wall isn’t going to happen with a phone. Sure you can still shoot in manual mode and use a tripod - but I have yet to see someone go through the effort in the wild. Plus the average person wouldn't know how to shoot in manual mode so the handheld image will come out looking really bad.

Cellphones are the most popular types of cameras out there as everyone has one in their pocket. Millions of snapshots are taken with a phones every day and there's really nothing special about these photos. Nor is a lot of thought put into these photos. Anyone with a phone can get lucky and get a great shot - but when it comes to taking photos at night that's when a "real" camera shines.


If you want to take a photo of a popular landmark without people in it - good luck! Your best bet is to come during sunrise or shoot at night.

The Boston Harbor Hotel is my favorite building to photograph in Boston. Perhaps it has something to do with the dome architecture that really attracts me. I snapped this shot during the afternoon and as you can see it'd be nearly impossible to get a photo without people in it.

I wanted to get a shot without people ruining it so I came during sunrise. If I had come during sunset - there would have still been people roaming around.


No matter how many times I’ve taken photos at night it’s always satisfying as I always get that “oh wow!” moment when I look at the back of the camera. It’s always satisfying coming home with stunning images!

No matter how many times I’ve taken photos at night it’s always satisfying as I always get that “oh wow!” moment when I look at the back of the camera. It’s always satisfying coming home with stunning images!


I know I said I'd give you 5 reasons, but as I was writing this I came to the realization that weather isn’t a factor. The best photographs are taken during sunrise and sunset due to the low angle of the sun. And once in a while you’ll be treated to stunning sky that will take your photo to the next level!

But what happens if you make the effort to get up early or stay up late then drive hours to the perfect spot - and the weather is overcast? Or what happens if it starts raining? The beauty of night photography is that you’re always guaranteed a money shot!

Now keep in mind that I’m taking about shooting cityscapes and not the wilderness as shooting photos in a forest at night wouldn't be very appealing. That is unless you’re shooting the Milky Way!


Source: By ESO/Y. Beletsky [CC BY 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


As mentioned earlier the proof is in the pudding. So I'll share some photos without any text or explanation and let the image speak for themselves. And if you say the day versions are better - I will fight you to the death!


Perhaps you're feeling inspired and you may want to give it a shot (no pun intended). It's really not hard so I'll give you a starting point...

Get a decent tripod (or at least a sturdy one), put your camera on manual mode, choose the lowest ISO your camera can go (something like 50, 100 or 200), chose an aperture of f8, and adjust your shutter speed accordingly. Also be sure to use a remote trigger or use the in-camera timer to avoid camera shake. Plus the good news is you don’t even need an expensive camera!

If you ever have any photo related questions or you'd like to commission me - don't hesitate to reach out! I’m available in New York City, Boston & worldwide.


Mikey Colon
🖥 [email protected]
📞 917-703-0346

Posted from my blog - check out for more!




Absolutely agree with you, I am for night photography, despite of major dark background there are more colorful, plus additional lights from the streets lampposts, cars, buildings and of course advertisements and usually there are very colorful. I love the reflection in water and of course all those lights make it more magical. Also we should not forget that sometimes evening shots have the last colorful rays of sun reflecting onto clouds and sky.

You created such beautiful photographs, and of course seeing them there is no doubt, night photography is more exciting :)

Thanks for your thoughts! The funny thing is trying to shoot Times Square in the night. With all of the led's being used now - it's like daytime!

I'll be sure to share more night photos in the future as it's my favorite genre. Plus if you have a camera I encourage you to get out and shoot when the sun goes down! 😎

Hi mikeycolon,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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It's always encouraging to be selected by @curie.

Thanks for what you guys are doing for the community!

very inspirating .. you are good at it too.

Thank you. I was hoping to inspire people as what I'm doing - you can do too! Especially given the fact it's not hard other than staying up late when people are sleeping.

I wish you lived closer so we could do night photography together. :)

You never know what this world has in store! If you're ever in NYC, CT or Boston lemme know!

That will be so cool. You never know maybe one day :P

Great tutorial and amazing night shots

thanks for sharing

Thanks! Have a good rest of your weekend! ✌️

Thanks Mate and you to

This is such a lovely post Mikey and it absolutely deserves the recognition. Thank you for the words of encouragement. I want to try the night photography for so long, but I'm literally scared of it. I am a perfectionist and knowing myself I would struggle and get frustrated with the result :) But I might give it a go as you convinced me that it can't be that difficult :)

Your photos are stunning. You are with saying that the photos at night are more dramatic. They look so good! I can't even pick my favorite.

Thanks! Every dog has their day - lol.

It's really not hard and give it a shot! They key is to use a timer / remote, a tripod, keep your ISO low, use an aperture around f8 (as a starting point) and just adjust your shutter speed from there.

Plus the location always helps too - lol.

Night photography is always magical!

Thanks for the kind words and @ me so I can see your results!

I will definitely tag you and I hope you won't be disappointed by them ;)

No worries - we all start somewhere! Plus if you're not making mistakes - you're not learning. ;D

Really awesome post @mikeycolon

The night shots are stunning. The milky way shot doesn't look real, how on earth did you achieve that! 😁 I suspect you are making it all sound very easy when you probably go through hours of prep and traveling etc. Well worth it though.

I use a mobile phone to take shots and you are spot on. If I have good light then I can get a really good image out of my Xiaomi Mi4s but the light has to be very good. If it's not, or it's from distance, then you may as well not bother.

Great post. You clearly have talent and dedication for your craft. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Thanks for taking the time to comment!

I should have cited the Milky Way image (and I just did) as it's a Wikipedia image. I haven't made the effort to shoot it as the stars have to align properly (pun intended).

First you need to find a place where there is no light pollution. This is usually in a secluded spot in the middle of no where (which is hard for me since I live near big cities).

Then you need to go when there's a new moon. Then you need to use an app that shows you where the galactic center will be.

Once you have that sorted out you have to pray there's no clouds. Then you need to use a wide angle lens with a large aperture. Something like 1.2 or 1.4. Then you need to process the images in Photoshop to make it pop as you don't really see it as vividly with the naked eye. So all that being said - things have to align just right! LOL

But the hard part is usually forcing my self to "get out there". Especially during bad weather. But night photography isn't technically hard - it's easier to get more dramatic shots in the night as when it's super bright the harsh shadows are always a pain to deal with. It's said the best camera is the one that you have on you and they come in handy when it comes to documenting your life. But slr cameras shine when it comes to high quality prints and images.

Thanks again for taking the time to comment as it's encouraging. Have a good rest of your weekend wherever you may be!

lol. You have just proved my point! Energy, dedication, research, patience and skill go into each shot. It's always blown me away. My best buddy back in Bristol is the same, although he is struggling to allocate the time to it that he once did. Here's the link if your interested Link. He's now working full time so has all but stopped the photography, which is a big shame. I've finally convinced him to sign up for steemit too but he's not active, yet!

Holy cow Geoff is super talented! His style I'd say is "fine art". He definitely has the eye and I'd encourage him to take his talents further - if I were you.

Yeah he is. His family have had some major changes to their lives just recently and he has had to work full time, hence the 'no time' situation. I hope he does pick it back up one day.

I will pass on your nice comments and point him towards your blog for some inspiration.

Sounds good! Take care!

omg i need everyone to come see how you turned thing around. hahahah
i love the facts you made at the beginningnight photography is better than shooting in the day! lol that part tho.
i must agree with you too.

I Also Prefer Recording At MidNight

Super awesome @mikeycolon city never been so beautiful have given a all new dimension to the city with day and night. Trully majestic view with all similar angle to make a perfect shot...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks brother! I tried to share images that I had a day and night photo from the same vantage point. I'm glad you enjoyed the post as I try to entertain the Steemit community! Have a good rest of your weekend!

Glad to see them....enjoy your weekend

Posted using Partiko Android

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I went Wow @mikeycolon! Love your photos! The night versions are definitely way much better than the day. I love the lights! S T U N N I N G!! The night shots do hide a lot of grainy lines and highlight the beautiful lights. Thanks for sharing the tips too on how to shoot at night.

Thanks for stopping by! Give it a shot and if I can be of any assistance lemme know. The hard part is getting out your house and finding a picturesque spot to shoot.

Yup yup that is true. Hope I can find one soon to try and see what happens :D But is this doable with a smartphone camera?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes - if you use a tripod and shoot in manual mode.


Darn. Manual mode will be tough because it all seems auto from what I see here. Need to check the internet. Haha.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Most phones have come with manual mode. On my Samsung it's called "pro" mode. Either way - you can also get an app that features manual mode.

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