
Your place looks very artsy! it's like everywhere you go, you can take nice pictures!

Thanks and appreciated.

I just try to keep my eyes open :) i can't wait to really hit the road. There is so much more out there to explore. From America to Indonesia i want to see it all :)

Good night there

tis nog nie eens gelogen nie!


This is SO Dutch.
Where are you going to travel next?

I dont know yet where ever my stoner thoughts brings me :) But i hope to do some "urbexing" soon. Stuff like old hospitals apparently there is a lot of street art you can find.

A corner of intersection, among hope and dispire

Thanks, please seighseing in my blog sir, so that I can see wild world in steemit🙏

wel waar idd :)

hey Ivy

(drukte op verzenden perongeluk)

haha ja gelukkig heb ik me redelijk aan die quote kunnen houden.

Las net je post. Dat moet zwaar zijn geweest. Ik wist even niks te zeggen. Hopelijk alles oke daar?

wijze woorden op de muur en de drugs wacht op je in de schuur

The building reminds me of old British architecture..

Good possibility, more houses in The Netherlands are build like that. My sister lives in a house which is build like British architecture. But its a bit different then these houses tho.

Oo.. I didn't know that you live in Netherlands..
I visited Netherlands probably 15 years back, so don't remember the architecture there :(.

Then you must have seen them. You can find these kind of houses pretty much in every city centre.

Going through your old posts....
Keep steaming..

Thanks, I probably will :)

You 2

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