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RE: Social media destroyed in-between: we are now either good or evil.

in #philosophy7 years ago

I like your lines of thinking. I liken their intolerance to anything not positive or below neutral to the military teaching soldiers to kill by giving their opponents derogatory names (Japs for example) thus making the "required" process of dehumanization easier.

In this case they have labels at hand, ready to slap them on you at the slightest hint of talk involving race, gender, political views, etc..

It makes people on the right afraid to talk in the presence of ourselves! My veterans office had 7 people total, 4 of us interns. All of us leaned right except one of the full time staff who was democratic. My fellow conservative interns and one of the full time employees did not hesitate to warn me that this other lady was a democrat so I should be careful what I say around her...

This ended up being much longer than I planned. :P


Here's a gem from MLK Jr. I like to keep handy:

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

To note is that he doesn't distinguish between positive or negative judgment. He says they will not be judged by the color of their skin. Positive judgment, no matter how positive or what its about, done based off of skin color, is wrong. It is the true definition of racism, and is the one true source of all the hate in our country.

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