#Philosophy Life: Like a rainy season dream.

in #philosophy7 years ago

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Philosophy Life:

The clouds were shining in this november with a heavy rain pouring down my hair and cheeks. Somehow, suddenly I wanted to get out of the house, staring at the splash of water flowing from the house tiles in my village.

I saw a road to the left of my house which is the central road to the city. There I saw a gang of three teenagers walking through the rain. I know that they are my childhood friends first. Tirta, Harfa and Fendy.

One of them did fill my emptiness. Yes, he is Fendy, a teenager who woke me from my imagination and dropped my hopes for granted. That afternoon, as if I did not want to be dust again for him. I ignore his footsteps until I see him closer.

The rain grew harder, as if I understood my rapid heartbeat and increased blood flow. I still ignore it by pretending to wash my hands that just happened to be tarnished by fried chicken sambal terasi. I washed my fingers slowly in the water running the roof of my house. Until suddenly I heard that voice ditelingaku.

"Mel", say fendy to me. But only a light smile and a nod longing from me while letting him go from my face.

"Oh Amel, that was Fendy keles, the one who has been lo kangenin", said my friend Diamond, who suddenly stood beside me.

For some reason I did not know what to do then. I just wanted to scream. Suddenly my legs move without my consciousness, after hearing the argument Intan who like sholawat prophet who can give me a clue.

"Come on Mel, pursue Fendy", protested Diamond.

With my unconscious body follow Fendy's steps. I wonder why I'm like in a dream? Until Fendy began to feel about my footsteps. I extend step by step to approach him. Fendy turned to me with a smile.

"Amel? What are you doing. ", Asked Fendy.

"Emmmmm ... .. I .... I ... .. ", I replied haltingly with lips slightly blue." Why? "he asked once more.

"Eng ...... no Fen. I just want to give this to you. I hope you still remember it J ", while I handed him 2GB memory card he gave me that contains our memories first.

"Lo still keep this? I guess you've fought this all out. Lo ngelupain our past and you already ngelupain cave. The thing that turns the cold cave into you. But it turns out the cave is wrong, you are still the same as before ".

Holding my hand, Fendy drove me home by letting Tirta and Harfa alone through the rain. Fendy and I sat in front of my home terrace while listening to the song on the memory card. I put my head on his shoulder while staring at the rhinoceros.

Because of the rain that had introduced us, because of the rain that had separated us and the rain that had brought us together again. I let only the rain understand and sing our symphony.

Until finally, I woke up from my dream. Dreams in the rainy season that give a hint that he is the person I love has left me. "It was all a dream and Fendy really did not come back," I thought softly.

Rain is a moment when I can to see you again. I wish we can spend our life together. Because love is the feeling of us. But, just the dream. Thank's for your inspiration.



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The rain washes away both the good and bad and what only remains are memories.

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