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RE: Knowledge and Unity

This is exactly why TPTB have undertaken the Prussian education model: to unify their subjects in ignorance and 'knowledge' of fake news. It's also why they censor the online media platforms they fund, like Fakebook, Twatter, and Youtool, as well as disseminate propaganda.

Thus, free people are necessarily fragmented as they variously succumb to fake news, learn truths differentially, and, due to their learned need to combat disinfo, are prone to reject others as shills, many of whom simply haven't learned the same facts, or aren't bamboozled by the same disinfo.

I learned as a child that police in Sitka, Alaska, were murderous thugs that sold cocaine they killed people to get, used their kids to sell drugs, and provided alcohol to kids. Most people in my home town didn't know these things, and would have rejected me as a conspiracy theorist, just because they had no clue.

For these reasons, it's imperative that freedom be predicated on the ability of folks to tolerate diverse views, independence of action, and free association. Many, however, are intolerant, even extremely so, as what little they have learned has caused them to consider views diverging from their own as supportive of the lies they have seen through.

Folks almost universally consider their own government representatives more honest and helpful while considering Congress to be infested with verminous liars and corruption. McCain keeps getting elected, as do Feinstein and Waters.

It is this phenomenon that so strongly potentiates divide and conquer, Hegelian Dialectic means of controlling populations, not only in the US, but around the world. I find it helpful to realize people in China, Tibet, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are all subjected to similar propaganda, from divergent points of view, but with the exact same end: to pit them all against one another under the appearance of different banners, but all controlled by a core group dissembling and misleading them to prevent them from learning the same truth.



Indeed, people keep falling for lies that make them feel good about their little corner of the world. "Politicians are liars, but not mine, he/she is honest"... otherwise we would have to admit that our personal lives are just as hijacked at the close smaller level as they are at the distant larger level ;)

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