Divide People and Get Them To Hate On Each Other.

in #philosophy6 years ago

What they have done for centuries now is divide and pit the population continuously against each other, this is because whilst we are at odds with each other we will not pay any attention to the REAL reason that the Planet is in constant turmoil. Have you ever stopped to notice how they constantly talk of our differences and not our similarities?

They never talk about the fact that fundamentally we are, at our core, just one big human family. We may have different belief systems, Religions, and cultures, but ultimately we all bleed the same blood. No it’s always black versus white, rich versus poor, gay versus straight, Christians against Muslims, and men versus women. This is done relentlessly, day after day using the very media that they own and control, all because that whilst we fight amongst each other, they can get away with literal murder. Even Nations and borders, who even invented those? These imaginary lines in the sand do not exist anywhere in Nature, when the World was created, however it was, whether or not that was due to a ‘big bang’ or some creative force, there were no Countries? Why do we need all this documentation to cross from one piece of land to another? We are human beings, and by the grace of the Universe we are allowed to roam freely anywhere we like on the Planet. For a man in a suit to tell me I cannot go here or there is absolutely absurd. Yet again though, it has simply been accepted as ‘normal’. It really is the ultimate division tactic, which ties in with the mental disease of patriotism, which I will touch on later. England versus Germany, USA versus Russia, Spain versus France etc. Divide, divide, and divide.

We are ALL brothers and sisters here on Earth, the difference we have in our cultures should be celebrated as part of our uniqueness, not used as a tool to pit us against each other. We have to start finding some kind of unity, and all come together against the common enemy, we ALL face the same manipulation wherever we are in the World, some feel it more than others granted, but still let’s stop bickering and allowing ourselves to be so divided. We need to come together like never before, our very future as a species relies on us doing so.

Tony Sayers
Love, Care, Courage.


<3 Thank you. Hardest part of realizing who I was was realizing that my friends simply did not have the mental capacity to realize the same things. Or they do, but don't want to take the hard route around them. Nothing but love

Thanks for the great post Tony! We definitely need more unity, especially within the freedom and truth movements.

Thank you my friend.

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Agreed. We need to unite. It doesn't mean we lose our individuality but we can capitalise on our common ground to give one another strength. I once wrote a song called "One Blood" in the lyric I say, "We all have two ears, eyes, hands and the capacity to love"

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