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RE: If Jesus did really exist...

in #philosophy7 years ago

believe that he did exist, but I am not sure how much of the story that has made it through the years is 100% accurate. The things that he taught both through his parables, and through the way he lived, is what I believe is important. More that than the "he died for our sins" stuff.


Hey there. Since this #discussion tag was your idea and you mentioned going deeper into discussions I'd like to give you a chance to do so. :) Lemme ask, what is the single most compelling reason that you do believe he physically and historically existed?

And also yeah, if he did exist.. I agree the messages he taught were important. Especially the Golden Rule and some of the more lesser known ones.. Like.. In the Gospel of Thomas. "Jesus said: If your leaders say to you 'Look! The Kingdom is in the heavens!" Then the birds will be there before you are. If they say that the Kingdom is in the sea, then the fish will be there before you are. Rather, the Kingdom is within you and it is outside of you."

I am actually not super confident that he did, although there has been a lot of historical research to show that there was someone living at that time who the stories were based off of. There have also been some theories that they actually took stories about multiple different people and aggregated them together to form "Jesus".

That's what I have uncovered in my research @timcliff. Have no fear I did not get my information from the Zeitgeist movie. I belive the Bible to be a book of metaphors. The point of the story is more important than the actuall details

Ah. I see. So there's not one strongest piece of evidence you'd like to offer? Fair enough.
Also yeah.. There does appear to be quite a few mythical figures with very similar traits or qualities, so similar it's hard to imagine they were different people, seems more likely they were different names for for the same legend.

Have you ever strayed into the subject of astrotheology? Or archetypes?
To me.. I think the various bibles are perhaps all of these things combined, with allegories and riddles and hidden secrets for the esoteric/initiated and those with eyes to see, though.. I certainly do have my doubts as to the historical veracity of them. Especially since I wasn't personally alive back then to see, and humans are really good are faking things and creating perceptions for others to follow.

Yes :) This is a very good book on the topic that I really liked.

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