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RE: Jiddu Krishnamurti - One of the wisest men in modern times and a man who was brought up to be the second coming

in #philosophy6 years ago

Great article. I look forward to digging into the metaphysical links you posted. I personally had this happen, a huge explosion of awareness. It was impossible to explain let alone teach. I sat with it for ten years. The only way to describe it was in poetry. Other words became like square wheels.

I tried teaching it several times.. whew... yeah.. impossible. It was like trying to teach what its like to be under water to someone that had never seen the ocean.

This path of nonduality just appears and leaves the vessel staring and happy unable to explain. I do follow other teachers tho, and i do this to pick up new words to help me explain when I do a talk about it to philosophy classes. I have found these teachers online and really enjoy their art.
Tony Parsons - carries a huge clear paintbrush
Rupert Spira - disects every detail and examines
Mooji - light spiritual
Sailor Bob Adamson - right to the point
David Byrn - Talking Heads - listen to the song Heaven
lots of others I can remember now..

we are peace.. pretending to be someone


Add Gregg Braden to the list. Sailor Bob Adamson is really a to the points guy. Rupert Spira was too slow for me. Thanks for the recommendation. To me high concept fiction/scenario writing does what poems do to you. I try to write stuff that is like a shadow of something metaphysical.

Read the above 2 links. Start with the first one. Read the comments and then go for the second one. There is no teachings in the stories but there is the breaking of certain illusions. They are more like crime thrillers but you'll see the Theravada/Zen roots.

"It was like trying to teach what its like to be under water to someone that had never seen the ocean"

This problem is very fascinating and I think it implies the question of the "method". Of course we can't directly transmit our experience to people, at least I've never seen that, but can we teach the way to get there? How to wear fins, deep-diving equipment etc.?

Krishnamurti considered all methods pointless. Others are of the opposite opinion. Some people talk about the method being the best chance to get awakening compared to doing nothing, receiving grace.

Is there really a method?

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