On Being a Supreme Being

in #philosophy6 years ago

"You're soaking in it!" - Madge

Those of you who've come to think that I must be a perfectly divine being, even godlike, you are correct about that.

If you suppose that I have somehow reached the pinnacle of human spiritual experience here on this world, then again, you are correct.


First, being a supreme being is nothing to brag about. It's probably not the easiest thing do, but I have to presume that the rest of you are much like me, in that you pretty much are-- every moment-- breathing into reality what actually exists in the world, and this alone should serve as a pretty good clue as to the potency of your own existence at this particular time.

Some people think that being a conduit for consciousness to enter the world is too hard, but really, all you have to do is just 'be'.

That's why we're called be-ings, it's what we do-- it's all we do, all the time. Anyone who tells you that you need to do more than what you are doing right now, they are probably trying to sell a self-help book or something, always suggesting that someday you might be whole, or that eventually you might be deserving of some future reward IF you follow their steps carefully. It could be that they've reforgotten that THIS is IT, and that in fact, spirituality is not even possible in a make-believe future, and what actually is-- this reality here-- is not able to happen in some upcoming imagined event or place.


I stopped hoping to attain spiritual enlightenment ages ago. It's been awesome, really, knowing that THIS is IT. Not that THIS is always comfortable, but THIS is reality, what is actually happening now.


Reality: It's Not For Everyone

We all naturally frolic in reality as children, wallowing in our nowness, and for about 8 years of our lives we don't know anything else, but then most of us are told we need to grow up, start thinking about our futures, and learn to stop being all the time. Every manner of earthly authority will say the same, and we are all assured that we should now begin to fear the future and regret the past, from now on. There's just no time for reality now.

Being conscious is hard. I'm out of practice, and as an example, now I realize that I spent nearly the whole day yesterday trying to get to today. In the past, I was busy working, so that I could pay some bills in the future. Only once or twice did I think, Here I am, now! Today though, now, my body seems to be addicted to sugar and caffeine, but I actually am here, now, and am thankful to be one of the few people in the world who has the option to be addicted to something.

Being here now means that I have shelter from the November sky, I have working internet and electricity in every room, a warm place to shower, and food in the pantry.

Screen Shot 2018-11-21 at 6.04.38 PM.png

The highway is noisy with people rushing to give thanks tomorrow, being Thanksgiving Day in this country, and makes me think of a story, a short tale that involves the mischievous Nasrudin, the wise fool who lives on the edge of a village.

One day, the village marketplace was busy with people getting prepared for their annual religious pilgrimage, an arduous journey to a faraway city. Suddenly, Nasrudin appeared there, riding into the middle of the square on his donkey, thrashing about wildly. The villagers cried out to Nasrudin and tried to calm his animal. Nasrudin, what is the matter? They asked, but Nasrudin yelled at them; "Get out of my way, I'm trying to find my donkey!"

So anyway, this was Nasrudin's way of telling us that we needn't wait for spiritual salvation or enlightenment in some distant place through any elaborate ritual when THIS is IT already, the ultimate spiritual experience, happening this moment for us all.

One more Nasrudin tale, and I'll let you get back to IT.

One day Nasrudin was sitting on the bank of the river, when a traveler appeared on the opposite side. The traveler spotted Nasrudin sitting there, and called out; How do I get across? Nasrudin yelled back. You ARE across!

Now, the next time I look around thinking, Here I am, now... I'll remember what a spectacular thing it is to allow consciousness a chance to experience this world, and right outside the glass is the reality that has been precipitated by every one of us being here now. We are the most divine, the most supreme beings I've ever seen. Nicely done!

photos above are mine, 2018

thanks for looking in!

Click @therealpaul for more


"perfectly divine being, even godlike, you are correct about that."

You know, I'm just sold.

To act as a conduit so that consciousness can experience the physical world- it's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it. I happened to be available here and now, if but only on a part-time basis.

These types of people are the worst. They're all like "it's relative". I meant your those types of people.

The only reason you know "reality" as "reality" is because of dreams. Equally the only reason you know that you are supreme is by the contrast of inferior. There's neither reality or unreality, dream or waking, pleb or god, and even being is distinguishable because of the same mechanism of contrast that makes us distinguish now from back then, or being from having been, and if there's no having been, no back then, why make the distinction for being and now.

Supremely inferior and inferiorly superior. Yesterday's tomorrow and tomorrow's yesterday. Absent everywhere else but here and presently absent from elsewhere.

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I can only be the worst relative to those who are better, while what I tend to call "reality" is probably something I just made up on the spot-- I do that sometimes.

I like this Nasrudin fellow, he knows what he's talking about XD\n\n

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah Nasrudin is my favorite, the Sufi jester, always a lot of fun. There are dozens of stories about him, passed down through the ages, and now all over the internet. ;)

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