Workless wealth (a post-post and prelude-post repost post)

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Strike it rich, that is what we all want isn't it?

We celebrate and envy people who get rich with apparently little work, even if they actually did a lot of work behind the scenes to get there. Even so, the image of easy money is so attractive that nearly everyone wants a piece.

It has become a goal, to be wealthy without work. Well, that is the idea. A lot of people that have come to Steemit have brought with them this concept in the hope that it is the answer to their prayers. A few random posts and voilá, richness and a life of luxury.

The young seem especially attached to this idea that wealth is easy to come by, after all, they spend their lives seeing it. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube are filled with people doing very little for a lot of return. At face value anyway.

The problem is, even if someone works very, very hard to do the same thing, they are out of luck, it has already been done numerous times before. How many wealthy fashion bloggers, travel bloggers, fitness gurus, can the world maintain? How many 'leaked' sex tapes?

Regardless of skill, how many celebrities can be maintained at all? How many wealthy actors are there and how many actors? I have no answer but assume that past B-list, there are many, many more struggling and working multiple jobs. There are many 'celebrity' chefs, but every restaurant on earth has several 'non-celebrity' chefs.

Each success story attracts more attempts and the lower the skill bar to enter, the more attractive it is for the unskilled. And herein lays the real issue. More and more people are making a play for the dream of workless wealth at the cost of their skillset. This means that there are an increasing number of people with decreasing skills across a variety of areas.

What jobs are available for the failed unskilled? What jobs are available in the future for the unskilled when those jobs are automated?

Many of the people that are looking for workless wealth are likely also those who value material items greatly. What happens when they fail to strike it big because unfortunately for them, there are 3 million people better and more popular at their chosen 'profession'? What happens when life expectations are not only unmet, but crushed with no fall back position?

'Live the dream' philosophy has replaced the 'work for the dream' mentality. Previously, if one wanted something, they understood that they would need to work for it. Today, people think about how they can get it, working for it rarely enters into the scenario.

We live in a world of upwardly spiralling personal debt and downwardly spiralling global financial situations. The material desires are winning. Rather than be disappointed at not becoming wealthy enough to buy all of those things, we are increasingly trying to live the lifestyle on credit.

Cars, houses, holidays, furniture, jewellery, phones, jeans, shoes, drinks, food, candy... on credit.

I always find it interesting that those who seem to sell the idea of workless wealth are also the ones that are benefiting from the growing debt cycle. It is almost like they created a demand for their own products, but no, banks never do such a thing, they are the ones trying to get us out of debt, aren't they?

The worry I have about encouraging people, especially children, to follow their dreams is that their dreams are often to do very little. It doesn't require skills to do very little, that is why sitting on the couch playing an Xbox is so easy to do. Which is lucky, because that is all many people are going to be skilled enough to do in the future.

People dream of grand designs, having grand things, doing grand things but most do not take the first steps into gaining the skills necessary to achieve them. They do not research and investigate what are the hurdles, risks, market depth and range or competition. They go in blind and when they meet disappointment, they do not look at their own work or lack thereof.

Workless wealth is likely a fallacy except for the few that get in very early or get lucky along the way. There are others who get wealthy doing a lot of work too and some are lucky to just survive on doing what they do. Most however, never make any significant inroads into it at all.

It isn't that I think we shouldn't chase dreams, quite the opposite, we should do all we can to do the things we enjoy and more importantly, care about. But, if we want a financial return out of it, we better have as much understanding about what we are getting into as possible. That is part of the skillset.

We better also understand that if there are many trying to do the same thing, one has to be highly skilled in it or marketing oneself very well to be successful.

The thing with obtaining skills, once they are possessed, there are generally no regrets. Plus, one pursuit tends to require several skills and these compound in many unexpected ways and bring a great deal of varied opportunity and potential.

Who knows, maybe you are already living a life of workless wealth and you will look at this as nonsense. Good luck to you. But if you are dreaming of doing the same, someone is already doing it so you better do it better at the very least.

[ a Steemit original ]

This is a repost and is a kind of follow on from my last fiction story, and a kind of prelude to a future post or two I am working on. I repost when I find it relevant to do so only and I reworked this to flow a little better. Sometimes when I re-read what I have written a long time ago I wonder what I was thinking having worded it in such a way. I guess that is what editors are for.


We better also understand that if there are many trying to do the same thing, one has to be highly skilled in it or marketing oneself very well to be successful.

This time I will take the procedure of respond and comment to this post with your own premonitory clever words mate. ]:)

  • "We are all in competition in everything that we do, the sooner that we understand and realize that, the better off we will be. The achievements that we continually strive for only hold value to us and society when we compare them to what others have done. What good is that spelling bee award if everyone spelled the same words correctly as you did? We feel success because we beat someone else. It's the way the world works."

Who knows, maybe you are already living a life of workless wealth and you will look at this as nonsense. Good luck to you. But if you are dreaming of doing the same, someone is already doing it so you better do it better at the very least.

  • "The sooner we are able to see the world for what it is; a giant mass of 7 billion people all competing against one another and mostly looking out for their own self interests, the sooner we are to living a happier and more productive life as individuals."

Well, I'm almost positive those has been your own words from a recent past nevertheless. ¿Am I right?

And... ¿Have the colors of the paintings faded or intensified for this 2018 my dear friend @tarazkp? ;)

I or someone just smarter than I may have said these words ;)

Have the colors of the paintings faded or intensified for this 2018

The colours I think are still being mixed on the palette, looking for the right hue.

I or someone just smarter than I may have said these words ;)

I have no doubt that both entities (and lotta more) must be contained within the same container.

The colours I think are still being mixed on the palette, looking for the right hue.

Yeah mate! that's only matter to rub the magic lamp more strongly. So that the hidden genius stylishly comes out with his big fat paintbrush. Avid & hungry to recklessly daub all the walls around him with whatevah chromatic dye he has handy. :)

This is quite an interesting article. The idea to become rich with little work is on the mind of almost fact that is the reason why so many people gamble in the lottery. Altough i would like that to happen to me, i know the odds of that happening are very low. That's why i concentrate on having a decent income, a job that i enjoy going to every day and i family i love :) and if more money comes, the better :D

I would never want to stop working completely.

My father retired young and I believe it affects your mental state in your older years. I work with a guy only maybe 10 years younger than my dad and he seems about 30 years younger in mentality and physically.

I would like to work without the financial pressure, maybe 4 days a week 6 hours a day :)

When you know you have to work to pay the mortgage, bills, support your family etc, you almost feel like a prisoner, devoid of choice

There is a reason that so many geniuses die still working. They are smart.

An old article of mine:

I definitely agree with you but I would also say that those who have already been successful also try to create an imaginary scenario in which everything turns to Gold. They do so because they want to attract the newbies and who don't know much about the platform. They want to sell their skills by creating a sort of UTOPIA in the minds of fresh minds.

Personally, I have worked hard to get to this point and there is very little Utopia here but, there is an opportunity to build a much better working model than we have currently. From now on, unless you are willing to put in a decent amount of effort, fast gains are unlikely if you think fast is a month or two. I am looking at fast being a year or two.

Having said that, this is still ground level in how far this blockchain could go so anything learned and earned now has a chance of being very valuable in the future.

It is rather sad that our generation want to get rich but they are not willing to work for the wealth. I appreciate the way you carefully trashed out your points. Good job here

It has become a goal, to be wealthy without work, or as you said the workless wealthy in my opinion sir it's not that easy matter to reach your goal on steemit even it seems an easy way to get richness but the matter is nnot like this those who are seccessfull in steemit are doingsuch a great effort to develop theirself in the beginning so to get that goal you have to made a really gret efforts behind the scene as you said otherways you won't get it

More and more people are making a play for the dream of workless wealth at the cost of their skillset.

This generation which I am part of has this widespread belief. For some people it works, but for most people it results to reduced effort. This is why I find this article timely (both 7 months ago and today). Millennials need to understand that the wealth should just be consequence of improved skillset.

We need to distance ourselves from the seemingly false and ambitious dream of "easy money". By doing so, we are doing ourselves a favor.

For me, the skills we acquire along the way in our pursuit of our goals are more valuable than the rewards. I'm working on this mindset, and I'm bringing it here in Steemit.

For me, the skills we acquire along the way in our pursuit of our goals are more valuable than the rewards. I'm working on this mindset, and I'm bringing it here in Steemit.

We definitely need more of it here and everywhere :)

We all know how important luck is to our survival here on earth. Luck can speed up a lot of things will fast. But, do people know that luck can be attracted? Yes, luck can be attracted, luck can be created, luck is when an opportunity meets a prepared mind.

As young people we should always be prepared, keep pushing forward, just in case an opportunity shows, we'll be ready to move with it. The idea of getting rich without much work is mostly an illusion created by those who are successful. These people keep their struggle and hard work at the background so they appear to be blessed. So it seems their hands have the Midas touch. As Robert Greene puts it: people tend to like and follow someone who seems to possess the blessings of the gods. Ask most successful celebrities, even successful bloggers on Steemit here, if they are honest they will tell you how much an effort they do put into what they do to come out successful in their chosen field.

Am really glad you put this out for people to read, I only wish they will take time to listen to this words again. And I hope one fan you will write on the impact machine learning and automation will have to people who depend on their skills without making effort to improve and adapt to the changes in their industry. Thank you @tarazkp

Hard work doesn't equal big results. This is a complete fallacy sold to kids during their conditioning...I mean education. Creativity and innovation while working smarter instead of harder will always yield better results.

That said I think the larger issue is when people think success is. People are so worried about buying crap that they work more and more hours to provide a "lifestyle". Big houses they rarely see, expensive cars they don't get to enjoy, expensive designer clothes that are out of style weeks after purchasing, and so forth.

This is not a lifestyle, it's voluntary slavery to a system that is built on and requires massive consumerism. Without your purchases the truly rich can't get richer.

Creativity and innovation while working smarter instead of harder will always yield better results.

Agree and disagree. If I can work hard at 100% and get the same result working smarter at 50%, I will work smarter at 100% ;)

This is not a lifestyle, it's voluntary slavery to a system that is built on and requires massive consumerism. Without your purchases the truly rich can't get richer.


I don't think we disagree on the first point. We each have an amount of work we want to do in a day and that is 100% IMO. People working harder tend to push well beyond this point.

At one point I was working 90-100 hours a week on a project. Then decided to work smarter as the harder route was causing issues at home. Hired a couple people to help with the project and leveraged their time. My time requirements dropped to 40-50 hours a week and at the end of the day I was putting in my 100% effort and we finished early. Each day when I went home everything on my to do list was finished vs when I was working harder the list got longer each day as the previous day's unfinished business rolled over.

Sure I paid some part time workers and that cost me some money, but the project finished early, my Wife got to see me everyday, and my client was very happy that I "under promised and over delivered" which lead to even more projects.

Yeah, the 100% is what I am talking about. It is about working out where your time is best spent. People think running around headless chicken style is working hard, it isn't. It is a lack of understanding of requirements.

my Wife got to see me everyday

So it wasn't win/win for everyone.. :P

So it wasn't win/win for everyone.. :P

For some reason she likes spending time with

I know lots of "busy" people who get nothing done in a day. They love to run around pointing out all the stuff they need to do and have done, huffing about how busy they are. Please with 1 hour of focused work you can knock out most people's big list of things to do, key is it needs to be focused work time. Then take a mental break for 5-10 minutes and then do another hour. The breaks are as important as the focused work time.

People get annoyed with me sometimes because my ringer is off on my phone, but if I'm focused on work I don't care about your priorities at that moment.

More and more people are making a play for the dream of workless wealth at the cost of their skillset. This means that there are an increasing number of people with decreasing skills across a variety of areas.

Wow, you really hit the nail on the head there. It's not just the short-term failure, but it's the lack of planning for the future that means they don't even have the skills to do anything else when they fail.

Another issue is the lack of personal financial responsibility. People in the 16-32 year old range see all the nice things their parents have and they want those things now. They don't stop to think that mom and dad probably worked decades for those things. Kids put it on credit cards and accumulate debt, but to what end? To be saddled with that debt for decades to come. Often, the debt outlasts the item.

Kids put it on credit cards and accumulate debt, but to what end? To be saddled with that debt for decades to come.

Constant pressures to compete for what is important.

Often, the debt outlasts the item.

In death, there is peace, except for those who inherit the debt.

Constant pressures to compete for what is important.

It's important to get those priorities straight regarding what's important. Then, if you're pressured toward it, like spending time with your kids, it's a good thing!

In death, there is peace, except for those who inherit the debt.

When purchased item dies and the debt still remains, there's still the monthly payment. :)

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