The ultimate pyramid

in #philosophy6 years ago

When it comes to demand, there is one driver above all else,

I want what you have.

This is more than just keeping up with the Jones' though, this goes all the way to the top, literally. It is this system that allows a very small minority to control nearly all resources and, the only reason they don't control all resources is because if they did, the system would fail as there is no way to continue feeding it.

It is a pyramid scheme

Essentially, we are hardwired to want more, to achieve and have been socialized to compete with those around us. Some of this is natural like the competition for the best mates. However, a lot of the wiring has been hijacked and what used to be points to compete on (skills), have become things to compete for (goods). We have been trained to believe that what we can buy is the measure of our value.

To climb the social ladder, we need to be able to signal that we are successful and that means to be able to buy the indicators of success. The brands and labels, the tech, the cars, the houses, helicopters, planes and islands. Do you see the ramping up effect there? To go to the next level requires the purchase of another indicator which essentially means to get what those above already possess.

This system means that there is always more to get and even if you are competing in a single class, there is a very wide range of products and services that allow you to compete with those around you. A car brand will offer a large range of models with incremental changes to ensure that there is a version for just about every pocket.

But of course, it doesn't just end at earning the money required to buy our way to glory as there is another mechanism that allows us the resources to fake it til we make it. Debt. We can borrow our way to glory too. Buy now, pay later, terms with a little bit of interest and it is here that there is a printing press of money to be made.

A lender doesn't need the actual money to lend, just some of it and at one point, it was as low as ~4% in some countries or in other words, their held capital could be loaned out 25 times. What this means is that a bank is able to loan 100 dollars to 25 people who will then buy their desires and pay interest. This means that if the interest rate on the loan is 4% per annum, the bank will double its money in a year. However, the rates on small loans are usually much higher and some credit cards are over 20%. This means a bank could effectively get a 500% return on the money they loan.

But, it doesn't end there of course because now there is 2500 dollars in the system where only 100 exited prior and that money hasn't been earned yet. This is 25 times the demand on goods and services than the money supply actually allows. Talk about an inflation mechanism. It is unnatural demand from a fiscal perspective.

But, it doesn't end does it? This is a debt cycle and this means that over time, people find it harder and harder to make ends meet because of interest repayments on the loans they have taken. This pushes them into doing work they do not necessarily want to do and buying from large conglomerates. You know, the ones that are able to crush supply chains by making poor people do work that they do not want to do for a salary that is not enough to cover their debts because they were encouraged to compete for status on good and services that are provided by the same banks and conglomerates?

This is the why the pyramid works, it convinces people that in order to be successful, it is necessary to be able to purchase increasingly upward on the consumer hierarchy and then it encourages to enter into debt to do so. As much as people don't want to admit it perhaps, fashion is made by kings and queens. literally in some cases.

The English royal family observed that what they did in the house, would soon appear on the streets and realized that the servants were spreading the trends. A servant working with the royals would have been a good position and would hold a glory by association status. The habit of putting the small finger out while drinking tea was potentially started as a joke to see how quickly it would spread from servant to the common folk. Supposedly quite quickly and looking at how fast people are willing to copy the fashion of modern day stars, the story whether true or not is corroborated by behavior.

What this indicates is another driver for the system, social proof, where 'better people' endorse products and drive the masses to get close to them by having similar. Rarely is this a bottom up system, it is nearly always a trickle down approach. The elite woman wears a 10,000 dollar dress, the middle-class woman clutches a 500 dollar bag, the lower end has 20 dollar underwear; all by the same designer.

The entire system however is designed in order to push wealth up to the top, to create money from nothing and then, say that people owe interest on that created money. It is a cycle that is unsustainable as eventually, it will eat itself like any pyramid scheme will as the resources pulled from the bottom levels no longer are able to satisfy the demands at the top.

The solution is of course to break away from this cycle but, it is of such an insidious nature that even those who 'claim' to understand how it all works and are fighting for freedom from debt, holler from the roof tops , "Lambo!" You know who I am talking about, don't you? Yes, many of us. We too keep buying into this system and keep driving for what those above us have and inspiring those below us to get a bit of what we have too.

If the cycle were to break however, it would cause absolute turmoil as for literally 1000 years or more, the entire global monetary system has been structured to do exactly what it is doing now, make rich richer. It is working so well that the top 8 richest people in the world hold the same value as the bottom 3.5 billion. It is not their fault though is it? It is ours.

It is us who buy into it, us who rather than work out what is beneficial to do and possess we outsource our wants to be driven by people who do not even know we exist. Do you feel like 'Queen Beyonce' wearing her perfume while you live in abject poverty? Do you feel like an OG listening to gangster rap about diamonds, honies and phat stacks while you struggle to pay the electricity bill?

Ah, this happens at all levels though doesn't it? You feel good getting into your Audi A4 only to have an R8 pull up next to you at the lights and while you look at it longingly you say, "One day."

We are lied to about what has value in this world for the purpose of control but, the control isn't over us as individuals although that is what it amounts to in practice, it is about resources. We are just tools to control the resources. They don't care about us, no matter what status you think you hold. We are all expendable in this system, all disposable.

You think you know what you want from this world, think again.

[ a Steem original ]


'We have been trained to believe what we can buy is a measure of our value'. I think that aptly describes modern society.

The elite system am afraid isn't going anywhere soon.Greed is in the most basic of our nature and there will always be those who push classism for their own gain

It is all based on being better than those next to us, no matter who must be injured to get there.

Sickening, but the unfair World we live in

Hi Taraz. We are not smart the way we shop. If everyone dropped credit and only paid cash it would bring the prices tumbling down. I threw away store cards about 20 years ago. I barely use my credit card unless for travelling. If you can't afford it don't buy it. If you buy something on credit and work it out most people wouldn't buy it. The price nearly doubles, obviously depending on how long it takes to pay back.

But, how can I have it now if I don't use credit?

People are not well versed in fiscal responsibility nor are humans skilled at visualizing future monetary values.

If the cycle were to break however, it would cause absolute turmoil as for literally 1000 years or more, the entire global monetary system has been structured to do exactly what it is doing now, make rich richer.

This system we have in place now has not been for the last 100o years though - not in the way it has been for the last 200 years- ish.
And definitely not like it has in the last 100 (the creation of federal reserve was 1913)

The allowance of nation state, centralized banking has caused the deep mire we now have.
Independent banking with assets to back up loans (gold historically), without high ratio's - and things would be back to 'normal'.
(Or crypto of course, but I am keeping that out of this answer).

It is _all to do with central banking and fiat printing. The cause of all our woes.

Turmoil, yes- but nothing like as bad as envisaged by many..
The collapse of the debt based banking system i needed (which is what you post essentially describes) will be chaotic, but not enduring.

It's coming.... and the sooner the better. The sooner it arrives, the less bitter the pill.

(makes a change for me to feel qualified to engage on one of your posts! lol)

This system we have in place now has not been for the last 100o years though - not in the way it has been for the last 200 years- ish.

It has all been leading to a ramping up. Speed of Globalization has just supercharged it.

The collapse of the debt based banking system is needed (which is what you post essentially describes) will be chaotic, but not enduring.

Indeed, regardless of the pain, it has to happen but, it isn't going to happen from the top. It is much like here though isn't it? The minnows hold a lot of power yet use it to try to be like whales.

...that pesky compound interest changes everything.

Crypto really could be the way forward, but I'm not hopeful about the banks not trying to destroy everything in a hissy fit (or trying to)

I just wish I wasn't living in interesting times! (the last 3 decades were blissfully uninteresting...)

I was having some of this thought (not as well developed) as I was walking through the camp ground we are briefly staying at. There were a few high-end cars parked with the rest of the usual camping types. I was thinking about how we have traded our berry-collecting-animal-hunting skills for the collection of money. So much more advanced, but the same competitive nature. I'm glad you finished this thought up for me, as my mind quickly wondered to whether or not we bought matches to light the campfire. :)

Can man actually beeak away from the loan cycle?
The pyramid above can be related to Abraham maslows pyramid of need. Showing that man physiological need is important. Which would force him to continually implement the loan cycle. And the fact that in this generation, we are driven by what people have to say about what we wear.
I really hope that we can leave the loan cycle and be contented with what have.

we are driven by what people have to say about what we wear.

some more than others.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one of the issues because people buy into that nonsense and assume that it is correct. Hierarchy is the operative word and should instead be replaced with authority of needs because it is essentially an authority telling people what they must have to be happy and encourages the viewer not to dig too deeply.

Life is more of propaganda and these things, this words, this researches are all made to make us feel like material things is all that is needed to strive. I think maslow is a bureaucrat and criticism on bureaucrats have found them to be authoritative and to curb rebellion against thwm, they alao have defences against it. With another propaganda of happiness i believe.
Which makes me pity us all from the qords of Karl marx.

The harder a laborer labors, the poorer he becomes.

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Yeah. I, like most people, am guilty of this as well. I dont buy the designer clothes and stuff, but I do love my cars. I tend to spend to much on them. I do the same thing with my home, but i think thats understandable. Not sure. I know that I would be just as well off with less. Probably even better off, but its kind of an addiction.

but its kind of an addiction.

It is an addiction ;)

I'm so glad I retrained my brain to un-want things. As I've told you before, I'm on a path of financial cleansing due to my disgust in the banks and how they enslave everyone using their weaknesses.

Now I live by "if there is no cash for it we can't have it" moto. The banks re getting paid off and accounts closed as we go till there is just the basic account left where the salary goes in every month. All the current money spent on debt will then go into savings, tax deductible kind like a retirement annuity.

I think my future is a lot more important than the Jones's

one day the freedom will be there to say to employers which crypto you would like to be paid in.

and I believe it when I look at how quickly things have changed in the last 5 years alone

But of course, it doesn't just end at earning the money required to buy our way to glory as there is another mechanism that allows us the resources to fake it til we make it. Debt.
This is a mortal trap. It is one thing to get into debt because of a real need and another thing is to borrow to appear successful. To break this cycle isn't easy but I think it's possible if we come to know who we are and what are our real needs

It starts off small until people are buying cars and houses they can't afford and crossing fingers nothing goes wrong.

I've thought a lot about how to break out of this, but it really is a complicated thing. If your goal is for everyone in the world to have the same quality of life you would probably need to lower yours significantly. The best I can figure is to play fair and if you got more than you think you deserve, spread it around. Like you say, everyday you'll run into people trying to scam you out of money. Try your hardest to not be a scammer :P

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