The toxicity of pettinesssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

There is a guy in chat Spamming obscenities, it is not the first time he has done so. Beyond the immaturity of the action of a supposed adult, I wonder what kind of person this is in the walking world. The way he speaks when not spamming has no humor in it, there is very little of interest at all and when he feels slighted, he is fast to rage and throw a tantrum that would make any parent ashamed of a two year old, let alone a grown man.

I wonder what leads to this behavior, the behavior of a child tyrant. Perhaps born into the right privileges with enough power, he may have become a dictator or warlord to be feared. But there is no such terrible majesty likely for this man, just a terrible waste if his real life mimics his online persona.

I have written a few pieces about violence lately and tried to get into the mind of those who would do others harm. Often when people think of the type that would inflict cruelty on another they visualize a psychopath, a cold blooded killer emotionless and unbending in a desire to satisfy desire.

But, I assume most cases of violence are those of passion and revenge, cases where one feels slighted and rather than control the emotions, they lash out in fury at all who they feel wronged them and as they see red, many who played no part also. But the mind of a person bent in rage is no mind at all.

The cold and calculating patience of a true killer, a hunter is not one bound to the emotional outbursts of an immature brain. A mind lacking emotional control and the first words to the mind, are the first to the tongue. The first impulse lead into direct action. There is no environmental sensitivity, no objective view of the situation, just an emotional, unfiltered outpouring of mental bile. This is not passion, it is pettiness.

Perhaps this man in real life has been disappointed time and time again. Perhaps once he tried to be more but if one cannot take the downside, one rarely gets to experience the up. Life is a roller coaster of experience and those unprepared for the curves and rushing downward will become sick before the ride ends.

And this sickness goes unconstrained, it spills into all facets of life, all interactions with others and even with the best efforts, cannot be hidden for long. Eventually, the facade breaks and out seeps the blackness again. The toxic hate and anger that poisons any well of life.

I do not know this man, I can have no affect on his life, but I wish that he would take a step back, a deep breath and a glimpse into a mirror. What will he see in the reflection that stares back? Will he calm his racing mind, slow the pounding heart and let the hate release from the muscles in his core, or double down?

Who knows, that moment of objection, reflection and evaluation may bring an understanding of the self, another way forward. May it bring him peace. What I do know is that his behavior has burned many bridges and any goodwill and humor that remained in those he has vindictively targeted, is likely gone. Perhaps it is gone forever, perhaps it can be forgiven, perhaps it could even be forgotten. Everyone likes a redemption story, he has set the perfect scene.

[ a Steemit original ]

I was threatened that if I wrote a post about this, his 2000 bots would start flagging me.


One hundred billion bots!

From an Addlerian perspective on human psychology of will to power, it seems that the anonymity of the internet with little to no threat of physical retaliation for bad behavior spurs on the zeroes to act tyrannical. In real life, these zeroes have nothing, so they create an online persona to battle for their fragile egoes. Precisely because of their lack of power in reality, the zeroes invest their limited resources online to pursue power in fantasy.

I find that often this is the case for many such tyrants even the ones that are legitimately powerful. There seems to be a fragile ego wanting attention in all of them.

upon reading this I thougth you really were going the Trump route there...

it surely sounded like him:

  • there is very little of interest at all and when he feels slighted, he is fast to rage and throw a tantrum that would make any parent ashamed of a two year old
  • where one feels slighted and rather than control the emotions, they lash out in fury at all who they feel wronged them and as they see red, many who played no part also
  • A mind lacking emotional control and the first words to the mind, are the first to the tongue. The first impulse lead into direct action. There is no environmental sensitivity, no objective view of the situation, just an emotional, unfiltered outpouring of mental bile. This is not passion, it is pettiness.

I guess its someone else you are referring to but the similarities were striking...

Yes, the type is the same. There is a pattern among this type of narcissistic personality which seems to hold quite steadily. It is interesting that you can see it in someone so visible.

I must admit from a voyeuristic perspective I'm wondering who you mean now, and how big his wallet is...

Probably best not to know!

No, his wallet is not big enough, even for me.

I think I need some popcorn :)

Thank you for writing about this. You see this type of person on social media quite often, as someone else mentioned, partly because it is easy for them to hide behind anonymity.

People like this also do appear in real life as well. It reminds me of the antifa and BLM mobs that run wild with unbridled hatred and rage in the streets beating anyone in their path and vandalizing property. These people also hide behind masks, which are the mark of a coward, but probably makes them feel brave.

My opinion is that they are various reasons why people act this way. Most of them are not overly intelligent and probably feel frustrated by life in general. I also believe that many suffer from mental illness as well. The ring leaders of these violent mobs are generally sociopaths and psychopaths that feel to feed off of anger and pain. Whatever the reason for it, these people belong locked in a cage where they cannot hurt other people or destroy property.

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