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RE: The toxicity of pettiness

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for writing about this. You see this type of person on social media quite often, as someone else mentioned, partly because it is easy for them to hide behind anonymity.

People like this also do appear in real life as well. It reminds me of the antifa and BLM mobs that run wild with unbridled hatred and rage in the streets beating anyone in their path and vandalizing property. These people also hide behind masks, which are the mark of a coward, but probably makes them feel brave.

My opinion is that they are various reasons why people act this way. Most of them are not overly intelligent and probably feel frustrated by life in general. I also believe that many suffer from mental illness as well. The ring leaders of these violent mobs are generally sociopaths and psychopaths that feel to feed off of anger and pain. Whatever the reason for it, these people belong locked in a cage where they cannot hurt other people or destroy property.

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