Dog walk diaries: Returning the Learning

in #philosophy6 years ago

It is interesting catching up with family after such a long time as inevitably, stories of the past get brought up. Like the time I wandered away at a very busy fairground only to be found happily riding the big Ferris wheel. They remember it like yesterday, me not at all.


There are also the shared experiences of a complicated childhood with siblings with large age gaps and parents who changed a lot over time. There are a few good stories however, they are not the ones that get brought up. My wife has learned a lot about my history today.

There is a difference between talking about past events and holding onto the emotions of them or, using them as an excuse for current circumstances. A survivor can talk about the past without reliving it, a victim becomes animated all over again, wounded afresh.

I am a survivor of childhood and although it has shaped me to a point, the chisel is now in my own hands, life is my responsibility. Take it or leave it, this is truth for us all.

I often think about the damage I am going to do to my daughter, how the way I behave is going to impact on her. No matter a parent's attempt, it isn't going to be perfect. My goal is that as early as possible she learns her life is hers to direct, as are the consequences.

Hopefully, she will survive me.

[ a Steem original ]
written on the phone


Judging from what I have seen over the last two days so far your efforts with your daughter have realised a spectacular result. She is an incredibly switched on little (nearly) two-year-old and your patience is paying a handsome reward. I am sure that any events from your past that have shaped you will also shape how you act and react with your daughter in a positive way.

Your biggest worry is probably her uncle (that’s me) doing his best to teach her how to talk like an Australian in the week before he departs Finland.

She is a bloody super star of a kid man, a beautiful bilingual bubba, and she’s in good hands with you both.

I told you she is awesome and pretty amazing for her age. Hope I don't break her :D

Unlikely, she’s half Aussie mate. Unbreakable.

Hi Taraz. Funny how stories surface regarding your child hood. We all learn from our mistakes and that is what life is about. You are around to look out for your daughter with gentle guidance. Problem is she sounds smart and may be guiding you soon.

She keeps me clean now and is going to become one tiny little terror for anyone who challenges her I think.

I didnt had the perfect childhood far away from my parents and keep seeing myself as a victim. I know I cant change anything, but wish I could. But whatever happened to us before, made us the strong people we are today. Thats what I tell to myself whenever I remember something and feel sad.

Survivor or Victim is not a personality type in my opinion, it is an action toward experience. We are all much stronger than we think or feel.

"No matter a parent's attempt, it isn't going to be perfect. My goal is that as early as possible she learns her life is hers to direct, as are the consequences."- very true. In this modern world the willingness to learn and shape their career ,should be from our children. It is our responsibility provide them whatever is required for them to get shaped. Me grown up from a small village,struggled so much in my childhood and now I'm enjoying my life. Had I had all the facilities that today's children are having it would have been different. I'm always worried about my uncle's children. Uncle provide whatever they want and I will try to give them enough exposure and information about career opportunities,but they don't want to listen.

The easier the earlier life seems to be, the more affected by small events in later life perhaps. It becomes some kind of weakness. People rarely listen and consider the advice of others if it goes against what they have learned is theirs.

Yeah! I do believe this...because I have seen such people.

This image has been the most joyful experience of my day. Just this image alone is what makes Life Worth Living and OH SO VERY PRECIOUS.

Gregory E. Lang
“A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.”

Damage can be controlled and prevented. Don't focus so much on the damage. She will be her own regardless and it would seem VERY SOON! hahahah
Thank you for this moment of Joy @TooNiceTaraz

No worries. She is loving these days so much and now I worry about next week when they leave again.

I don't focus only on the damage but I do try to pay attention that I am not causing any unnecessary harms. It will never be enough though.

That sentiment right there

I do try to pay attention that I am not causing any unnecessary harms. It will never be enough though.

... is the sign of a Great Father! Sounds like the apple didn't fall too far from the tree. I hope y'all have had an absolutely wonderful reunion.

Very interesting post friend the family is the best there are greetings

The good book say set a child the way he should go and he will not depart from that path. We can only plant seeds. God makes everything grow. Some experiences are for lessons to be learned and not so much our failure. Your doing great. Put the positive faith in the universe with surety and it will manifest.
Great post. I appreciate your honesty and the love you have for your children. Great heart.

@tarazkp great philosophy .. loved a lot

Enjoy every moment as they grow. She will make her mistakes like all of us did. Know that you are always there for her even if she chooses not to, is so important.
The hard part is not to judge and give the support that she needs. Thats a hard thing to do and thats why your the Dad. No one said it was easy.

your blog is very friend for you.

I am bole friends with • @adit123

I don't know why these guys are ruining their hard earned reputation lol.

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