Authentic you matters

in #philosophy6 years ago

Each person is unique. It is a cliche, yet also true.

It is true because there is no one quite like anyone else. Even identical twins have minute differentiation at the genetic level and environmental factors and personal choices further move one from the other. But unique does not mean dissimilar. The differences between us are far outweighed by the similarities that unite us and when it comes to the conflict that arises, much of it is probably down to the narcissism of small differences.

A lot of our social interaction depends on finding similarities. Rapport building is often approached through finding common interests and mirroring behaviours so as to feel somewhat familiar to the other person. The probable evolutionary concept is to signal that 'I am not a threat, I am like you, trust me'. Of course, understanding this opens up a new set of problems.

Knowing how this system works means that it becomes quite easy to game it. For illustration purposes it may be easier to think of humans as sets of computers. Each are running an OS but there may be platform differences, version variation and program range, different upgrade and update statuses etc. Some, may have large amounts of information on the hard-drive, some may have hardware conflicts and others viruses that corrupt sectors or can crash the system completely. Some are already slaves to a botnet.

Now, there are many different access points and vulnerabilities and to a capable user, gaining access to core processes may be relatively simple. It is about signalling to the computer that there is no threat. Gaining trust. For humans, these trust signals are learnable and repeatable and can be used to gain trust even if the source is untrustworthy. Conmen are masters of this of course. As are mentalists and magicians, sales people and well.... all of us.

Okay, we are not all masters but we do use these techniques to the best of our ability to manipulate those around us. Ever been on a first date? I have to ask this these days as I think a first date for some may be swiping left or right on an app. But for those that have, the next question is: Did you lie? Did you present a version of yourself that put you in a light that may not be truly representative? Did you say that you liked a band that you actually despise? Did you say how much you love cats, yet are deathly allergic? What did you wear? Pushup? Spanx?

This is not a judgement but just reminding that we all try to manipulate others in order to get what we want. Perhaps a second date, perhaps a sale, perhaps a good opinion of ourselves in another's eyes. We play on the evolutionary attraction of similarity in order to circumvent the virus checkers. It is not necessarily nefarious but it is not necessarily not.

There is a risk in this though because being on a first date is one thing, trying to live 70 years together is another. How long before we slip and our true self comes out like Ben Stiller's guest role on Friends? This misrepresentation at the beginning can hold for months or years and perhaps is benefited by the sunk cost fallacy where after a marriage, mortgage, a child or two, the investment is so high and so long that it is just too much write-off to quit. So two people can live unhappily ever after out of convenience.

'Love' relationships are one thing (is it true love if honesty isn't present) yet this continues into all of our relationships. We present the picture we want the world to see and gain support based on what we have signalled. Social media is of course littered with this but so to are other forms of media. Each article is crafted in order to get past our defences and infiltrate our minds. Does that sound alarmist? It is not always a bad thing. If a mental virus is preventing clear thinking or good results, a little mental defrag going on in the background processes may help remove some bad sectors.

As an example, from a Steemit community perspective, many people are trying to gain followers and just like what is posted, quality over quantity may be the best approach. Trying to attract followers that are not actually interested in or like what you post may be a short-term win but a long-term drain and the fastest way to gain these types is to misrepresent yourself.

Plus, in gaining these types one may have to compromise on who they are and in so doing, a conflict is created. It may not be enjoyable in the long-run to continually have to keep up appearances as someone you are not. And, as inevitably it will, your real self will eventually break through as your content dwindles and will power falters and your followers, partner, colleagues will say 'You have changed' and because they have accepted what you had previously presented, this regression to the mean is unlikely to be seen in a positive light. After all, you have 'lied' to them in order to gain their trust and benefit from the relationship.

Being your authentic self doesn't mean not improving your processes and skillset. It just means that in each moment, you represent yourself honestly. If you are a horrible person, you'd be surprised at how many people will stand with you. If you are into freaky Hentai, fine, so is half of Tokyo. There is a niche for everyone because as unique as you are, there are multiple overlaps with a multitude of people and the beauty of the world today is that they aren't too hard to connect with. And worse than having friends, partners and followers that you have tricked into following you, is having to spend time with them pretending to be interested in what they THINK you are interested in.

It is of course good to widen perspectives by spending time with various sets of people regardless of the overlap or lack thereof. This is actually something I enjoy a lot. And it is also good to spread ideas across multiple nodes as this can create a lot of value. However, there is also value in deepening understanding in areas that one finds enjoyable and interesting already. To test skills with like minds and bodies as the case may be. To connect over a loved hobby or genre.

And being able to manipulate is one thing, being manipulated is another. I think we have all been manipulated at some point. All had our code compromised. Sometimes we have been damaged by this, sometimes benefited. It is good to know that we have vulnerabilities though and sometimes it may be useful to show them. Other times, it may not be. Being blind to them means that choice is taken away.

There are of course many caveats and exceptions not mentioned and many parts of this could have much more detail and depth added which I might do at some point.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing:
Not everyone is going to like authentic you. And that is okay.

[ a Steemit original ]


This was a great write and I was so happy I came across it going through the feed. I like the analogy that you used with OS system. The concept worked perfectly.

I know that for some people it's easier to be somebody else along with that Avatar. I never really saw the point of trying to remember which lies you told somebody. It's so much easier being yourself and cultivating people that like you just the way you are are. That doesn't mean they have to be the same as you, but they can like who you are nonetheless.

I have a feeling that the people who need this the most won't even read it. That is a tragedy.

That doesn't mean they have to be the same as you, but they can like who you are nonetheless.

They don't have to even agree with you.

I have a feeling that the people who need this the most won't even read it. That is a tragedy.

I feel this is the same for many things. But I guess, that for many, even if they did read it, they would miss the point :)

"Being your authentic self doesn't mean not improving your processes and skillset. It just means that in each moment, you represent yourself honestly".

That was what I'd probably have typed in response if it wasn't already in the article. I find it distasteful when people try to compromise their values for financial gains or even here on steemit for upvotes or followers.

Nothing will ever beat embracing our uniqueness and making the best of who we are.

I have to commend you for the quality of your posts @tarazkp

I find it distasteful when people try to compromise their values for financial gains or even here on steemit for upvotes or followers.

I find it ridiculous when it is so obvious yet, it seems to work for so many...

I have to commend you for the quality of your posts

Thank you, it really is appreciated.

Hmm deep thoughts @tarazkp. We are definitely unique. There have been times when I have tried to fit into people's expectations of what I should be but it is tiresome work and I really hate work.

I am still putting my best self forward when I meet people, sometimes but familiarity breeds contempt, they say; I soon fall back to my natural self.
For me it is dependent on the other person. If you come to me with your true self on display, I will open up to you wholeheartedly bit if you come with ideas of class, self importance, skill or whatever with the intent to make me feel small, I will definitely swell like a balloon to meet up with your demand. 😂

But I stay real and true to myself. I know when I am being hyperbolic, so I caution myself but at times it is deliberate. I like to see people speculate on what I am.

I like to see people speculate on what I am.

They always do and always will as none can know another.

I was manipulated when I proposed . I called my wife on the phone and said " hey , you want to get married next week . Gotta go let me know " I fooled her . it was a collect call . yea they had collect calls back then and phone booths . google it

Sometime being manipulated into some things can be a good thing .

Not everyone is going to like authentic you

oh let me see if I can count that high :)

Sometime being manipulated into some things can be a good thing .

We do it to ourselves each day as well otherwise there might not be much point to get out of bed :D

Unfortunately most people walk through most of their life never being true to their heart openly. Many people have felt uncomfortable around me during my life because I do not like being around those whose energy aligns with their mask and not their heart. Trying to hide behind those masks and pretend things are not what they are, they grow uncomfortable when they notice one seeing through it.

It takes a strong heart to be true to oneself. Sadly most seem to embrace their mask as their fate. Herman Hesse alluded to this in his book Demian, calling those who are strong enough to be true and see having the mark of Cain. An interesting read if you have not read it.

Thanks for sharing your light.

Sadly most seem to embrace their mask as their fate.

We build our own boxes and admonish those that try to put us in theirs.

As one who rebelled coming out of being a toddler against the box I was trying to be forced into, I do believe that much of the dynamics of our boxes are built for us. From parental coercion, educational coercion and peer coercion. It takes a very strong will to insist that the box is not wanted.

The best thing that happens to a person is becoming open minded. It means - being okay with others choices.

It doesn't meaning liking them, it means it doesn't bother you much.

When you have those - you can be open to more dates in a relationship or a sales meeting. And the other person can be honest because you don't care much - you care about the big wins. And not the make up lies.

If that becomes the case, authentic you will come more by people.

We are all so different but we need to be so equal, we need to be accepted, we live in a society that is why the interest... We have all been
lied a little or a lot, we do not see the problem until what lie us.

Hi taraz. please write a bad piece.You are boringly good.I understand what you are saying by being yourself and writing true to you. How many are chasing the buck and writing things that they think other people might like. If you have no interest in something it will be a grind. More of the same everyday and no individual insights makes it boring. I try and learn something every day and that is how you will find yourself on here. Go out of your comfort zones and who knows what you might learn and love. Everyone is different and that is fine. There is a niche for everyone and it may take a little time but if you don't find it you have only failed yourself. If you are going to spend time on here at least enjoy it. It is amazing that you can see the happy ones as they are the ones interacting by commenting etc. Must be shitty running round this site not reading and just posting comments. You are achieving absolutely nothing.

This is so well expressed Taraz and in fact, it is the topic of our monthly retreats here in Bali.
Experiencing Your Authentic Self - who we are behind the masks!!
When we celebrate our differences, we are expressing compassion.
What a boring world it would be if we were all cloned "Dolly the Sheep!"

Well said mate, keep posting great content!

Hope all is well


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